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Dilemma for Whom?

Will the new chair of the NH GOP, Chris Ager, change course?  Or will the same old same old continue where hairs are split, and business as usual continues?

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Thad Riley in endorsement picture

Thad Riley Is Unique among Current NHGOP E-Board Members: He Helped a Democrat Get Elected over a Republican

And he looked so nice, too, bless his heart!  Yes, Thad Riley, the failed candidate for NH Governor and current NH GOP E-Board member (Assistant Secretary), has accomplished a feat unlike all the other members – he got a Democrat,  elected over the Republican.

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Thad Riley in endorsement picture

Part 3 – Attention NH GOP Chair Chris Ager: NH GOP E-Board Member Thad Riley Endorses a Democrat over a Republican – The Slander Edition, Thad?

Well, well, it seems that Thad Riley isn’t enjoying the attention we have given him as this NH GOP Executive Board member (Assistant Secretary) since he decided that being a “Republican Role Model” isn’t part of the job description.  Or that he can do what he wants given the “So what, what are they going … Read more

Thad Riley in endorsement picture

Part 2 – Attention NH GOP Chair Chris Ager: NH GOP E-Board Member Thad Riley Endorses a Democrat over a Republican

I had sent my previous post to NH GOP Chris Ager and I did get a response back. While he is technically correct, it is still maddening and really bad, Bad, BAD political optics for an NH GOP Officer to rest their endorsement on such a technicality (and yes, I am always running behind and … Read more

Thad Riley in endorsement picture

Attention NH GOP Chair Chris Ager: NH GOP E-Board Member Thad Riley Endorses a Democrat over a Republican

Chairman Ager, You notably stated at your acceptance speech upon being elected the NH GOP RNC Committeeman that “GraniteGrok will hold me accountable”.  Now as NH GOP Chair, those words are even more important.  And yes, we are holding you accountable to uphold the Party strictures on Republicans that have decided to disregard this specific … Read more

Grok Logo

Announcement – GraniteGrok Official “Endorsement” In the Race for NH Governor

A real quick post – it isn’t Chris “Baby Huey” Sununu (I guess he decided that he doesn’t need the Conservative / Liberty / Freedom wing of the Republican Party in the Primary in September as he’s been appealing to a lot of Democrats that he believes will cross-over).

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Thad Riley screen grab Riley for Gov web site

Why I Endorse Thad Riley for Governor

I had hoped conservatives would endorse a single gubernatorial candidate rather than risk splitting the conservative vote four ways and handing the Primary to the incumbent, progressive Chris Sununu. Since that hasn’t happened, I’m weighing in to endorse Thad Riley for Governor.

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GrokGauntlets – Candidates for the NH GOP Nomination for NH Governor

The election races are ON with the first finish line being September 13th – NH’s Primary Election date. The candidates aren’t just running around at breakneck speeds, they are on double overdrive in trying to squeeze out those last few votes from the still-undecided and those they think can “turn” from other candidates. As you … Read more

Belknap County NH

Belknap County Republican Committee – Candidate Speaker: Thad Riley (NH Governor)

We ARE in the silly time of an election year. While normal people are still doing the “summer things”, candidates are appealing to both the politically obsessed (who have been watching for a while) and those that are starting to look at both the Primary and General elections and asking “Whom”?  Thus, the Republican candidates … Read more

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Poll – Who Was Your Pick for NH Governor?

I’m late – mea culpa, mea culpa.  So, you tell us if you think the results are a bit surprising?  And what does it portend in the Primary in September?  Should Sununu be a bit worried? And not for nothing, here’s what FiveThirtyEight, a Leftist polling/consulting site that will be a constant on ABC, CBS, … Read more

Thad Riley screen grab Riley for Gov web site

Thad Riley Announces Campaign Team In Bid for NH Governor

BRENTWOOD, NH – Thad Riley, the only true conservative choice for Republicans in New Hampshire, announced today the hires of his campaign team in his bid for Governor.

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