Thad Riley screen grab Riley for Gov web site

Why I Endorse Thad Riley for Governor

I had hoped conservatives would endorse a single gubernatorial candidate rather than risk splitting the conservative vote four ways and handing the Primary to the incumbent, progressive Chris Sununu. Since that hasn’t happened, I’m weighing in to endorse Thad Riley for Governor.

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GrokGauntlets – Candidates for the NH GOP Nomination for NH Governor

by Skip

The election races are ON with the first finish line being September 13th – NH’s Primary Election date. The candidates aren’t just running around at breakneck speeds, they are on double overdrive in trying to squeeze out those last few votes from the still-undecided and those they think can “turn” from other candidates. As you … Read more

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Poll – Who Was Your Pick for NH Governor?

by Skip

I’m late – mea culpa, mea culpa.  So, you tell us if you think the results are a bit surprising?  And what does it portend in the Primary in September?  Should Sununu be a bit worried? And not for nothing, here’s what FiveThirtyEight, a Leftist polling/consulting site that will be a constant on ABC, CBS, … Read more

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