They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing, but I’m still getting up to speed here.  If I can, I will have a Monday Overflow.  But first, an Independence Day thought.

Every Independence Day I reread the Declaration of Independence.  Regrettably, as time goes on, I find myself seeing more and more reflections of their grievances in today’s society.  Back in the late 90’s as my Rightward shift started to accelerate, I remember reading a from-memory phrase whose origins are lost to me:

To be thought insane, merely start quoting the Founding Fathers in the context of today’s infringements of freedom.

So now, please, watch this video from the TV series John Adams.  The acting is, IMHO, superb in conveying the weight of the decision to vote YES.  And their silence afterwards as they full-well recognized that, if they lost, they and their families would die a traitor’s death.  (I have two documented Revolutionary Warn ancestors and two more that await confirmation.)








Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter(and Part IIand Part III) can often be hidden inside humor.  Stand by for Thought Splinters IV… when I can get to it.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






Note: I removed the post about people believing malaria came from dirt.  Apparently that’s a fake meme, and I want to correct the record on that.





My choice for the best of the lot… it’s a tie.






Palate Cleanser:

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