The FDA Announces Sixth COVID Booster

The FDA continues to hide facts about the failed COVID19 vaccines. What we do know is that it may only work for a few weeks where it works at all and that the long list of side effects becomes more likely the more boosters you receive.


Pfizer knew it, and the FDA must have known, but even after evidence mounted, the government, bought-off media, and an army of pro-vaxxers whined about vaccine hesitancy. And then pushed boosters which Pfizer’s docs tell us showed an increase in the risk of adverse effects (while still proving no real protection from any version of COVID19).


Despite these risks, the availability of other treatments, and the simple fact that less than 1% of the population was ever at serious risk, they continue to push experimental vaccines. But as we discussed here, what does that mean for the passport people? According to the FDA,


“For people who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted, CDC now recommends quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days.


Much of this has become unfashionable of late because we have a mid-term election coming and the purveyors of bad public health policy (Democrats) sense a disturbance in the force.

But that has not stopped the FDA from keeping to its path.


“I don’t want to shock anyone, but there may be a need for people to get an additional booster in the fall,” Peter Marks, the director of the FDA’s Center for Biologic Evaluation and Research, told reporters.


I am reminded of a story by Dr. Seuss.


Related: If The “Vaccinated” Refuse the Booster – How Long Until They Are No Longer “Vaccinated”?


In Sneetches on the Beaches, some have stars on their bellies and some do not. The star-bellied Sneetches see themselves as superior but at some point, someone devises a way to add stars to bellies and chaos ensues. Sneetches keep going through to have more stars. More stars will mean they are better than those with fewer stars, be but it all goes sideways.

The result is Sneetches with any number of stars on their bellies in varying sized, such that they can no longer separate one from the other. At this point, they discover, they are all the same and achieve the Seussian equivalent of utopia on the beach.

The lesson is that our differences make us that much more the same at the root, and we are, but reality doesn’t work like that and neither does Democratic Socialism. It is founded on the idea that they are the best and the rest are the worst. The worst need tending and the best must do that by force – which is always necessary.

The result, history tells us, is a one-party state with a two-class system. They live like monarchs, the rest live like peasants and the police state keeps them separated and the fruit of others’ labors flowing to the ruling class by whatever means are necessary.

Vaccine passports for a shot and boosters that made matters worse are not an impediment to the goal. They will ruin the economy, and perhaps inspire an actual insurrection, and they will have their revolution.

At this point, there does not appear a single thing they do that is not directed at that aim. The absurdity of calling for a sixth booster that will increase the likelihood of negative side-effe ts for no public health good is just another step on that journey.




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