New UK Medical Study Exposes the COVID Vaccine Passport Fraud

The study is titled, in part, “Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK.”

And while it clings to an idea that the vax is the answer (with boosters forever), it reinforces the fact that The Jab and its mythology are a fraud.

It does not, nor could it ever flatten a curve. It is like the rest of the political theater—something they do for reasons other than those stated.

And here’s the kicker. After being injected, you can still catch and transmit pathogens as if unvaccinated, so nothing about it justifies awarding passports or privileges to anyone who has received it.


“By carrying out repeated and frequent sampling from contacts of COVID-19 cases, we found that vaccinated people can contract and pass on infection within households, including to vaccinated household members,” Dr. Anika Singanayagam, co-lead author of the study, said in a statement.


That’s their cure. Vaccine Roulette. An ineffective chemical formulation that can harm a measurable number of people (no matter how small) to a degree the health establishment is suspiciously trying to hide.

A product that has been found in many instances to produce more infections among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. A combination of factors that should be troubling to scientists and experts.

Dr. Ryan Cole explains why this is such a serious matter. (1 min 14sec.)

“We have seen more death and damage from this one medical product than all over vaccines, combined, in the last several decades…”




It is a conversation we’re not allowed to have. That’s how confident they are in this cure. Actual scientific evidence of fraud is inadmissible in the court of public opinion.

The goal continues to be to plow trillions of dollars we don’t have into Big Pharma for something that doesn’t work. Money that will filter back to the politicians demanding vaccination, boosters, and silencing evidence

To pump this juice, risks and all, into children who are not a risk and would do better long-term acquiring natural immunity, if they ever even come into contact with it (though, that is increasingly likely to be from a vaccinated person).

And to deny access to people who may have superior natural immunity or at little to no risk who are not inoculated as a way to pressure them into getting something potentially dangerous, no matter how small the percentage risk, that they do not need.

All to massage (downward?) a mortality threat of less than half of one percent.

Covid Vaccine Passport digital

The passports are a lie. The vaccine is a lie. And the FDA just approved injecting it into your kids, and we have no idea what it will do to them now or years from now. But the political and medical establishment can’t wait to find out.

I guess they are hoping that whatever harms come, they will remain hidden or unmeasurable until long after they are gone, and no one can prosecute them for their crimes against humanity.

In the meantime, we need to keep useless vax advocates out of positions of power.

It is a mission that to date, has been about as effective as this so-called vaccine.

We need to do better.


HT | Epoch Times

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