Pfizer Docs Show They Knew Their Experimental COVID19 “Vaccine” was Neither Safe Nor Effective

Since November, the FDA and Pfizer have released 150 documents (comprising over 50,000 pages) about their COVID19 vaccine. We’ve shared a few points on our pages, but will this be the straw that finally “breaks” a lot of backs.

For most of the past year, we’ve been smeared (us, you, folks like us) for pointing to evidence that suggested that these experimental drugs were not safe or effective—name-calling, intimidation, censorship on social media. We were murderers!

But we all persisted because the evidence and the science said we were right, evidence that Pfizer and the FDA wanted to be hidden until late this century. Some of the earlier revelations seemed to justify why they were so shy about sharing their data, but this blows the whole thing open.

Not only were we right, Pfizer and (probably) the FDA knew we were right.

Related: Start the New Year Right – Stop Lying to People about Their COVID19 Vaccine Being Approved.

Buried in the mountain of documents is evidence that Pfizer’s own testing and trials proved their “vaccine” was neither safe nor effective.

Steve Kirsch on Substack has been trying to unravel all the details in the docs from Pfizer and the FDA, and he’s started a list of things he’s been able to determine.


Pfizer’s own data does not support the claim their COVID-19 vaccines are “safe and effective.”

Pfizer seemingly lied to the FDA by claiming their vaccines prevent COVID-19, and the FDA and mainstream media then dutifully lied to the American people repeating this false claim.


The “vaccines” do not prevent COVID19, and they are not safe.

Related: New Hampshire to Spend Another $844,000.00 to Convince You To Get The Jab™

You can read more from Kirsch here, but let me tease it with these 5 points from his update.


  1. Pfizer claimed repeatedly in their documents to the FDA that their vaccine would “prevent” COVID-19.
  2. Pfizer knew the injection’s adverse effects would increase with more injections of continuing boosters.
  3. Pfizer knew their injections did not stay at the injection site.
  4. Pfizer knew that the vaccinated group reported far more systemic adverse events than the placebo group.
  5. Pfizer knew that the efficacy of the vaccine waned very quickly over time; by as much as 50% in as little as one month after the second dose. How come we weren’t warned about that???


We could see that the COVID19 Jab could make you more susceptible to infection and transmission but “stakeholders” in government, public health, and the media continued to deny it, or lie about it.

The vaccine didn’t protect you (or those around you) from infection and that it was safe.

Related: How Many “Media” Outlets in NH Got Fed Money to Put a Positive Spin on the COVID19 Vaccines?

Pfizer knew it, and the FDA must have known, but even after evidence mounted, the government, bought-off media, and an army of pro-vaxxers whined about vaccine hesitancy. And then pushed boosters which Pfizer’s docs tell us showed an increase in the risk of adverse effects (while still proving no real protection from any version of COVID19).

It was really more about government mandate hesitancy, and we were right about that too.

People were not only denied their rights and their jobs, an entire para-military culture evolved around digital ids and second-class citizenship over a treatment that was dangerous didn’t protect you.

A lie that ultimately exposed more people who were at risk but thought they were safe.

An experimental drug that has thousands of side effects, from mild, to handicapping to fatal, that they even convinced you to stick into children who were never at risk in the first place.

Related: Pfizer/FDA Hid How COVID Vax Could Make Recipients More Susceptible to COVID Infection and Death

None of this is surprising to us, and we don’t need any apologies, but will the so-called journalists continue their media blackout despite the evidence in Pfizer’s own trial documents?

Will every politician and activist who has aped the lie and publicly stated these were safe and effective accept their complicity in what is effectively the chemical murder and suicide of tens of thousands of people you convinced were safe?

Over flu that over 99% of the people who got it survived without any treatment.

Little of what they told you about the virus or the response was true. They also lied about potential treatments like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine that did work and could have kept thousands out of the hospital and thousands more alive.

Someone is responsible for mass murder, and that someone has a lot of accomplices.

I guess that’s why they all wanted immunity.



HT |Steve Kirsch – Substack


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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