“Separation” Anxiety: The ‘State’ is Paying ‘Churches’ to Promote COVID Vaccination

The notion of a separation of church from state is a big deal for some but not when it advances their agenda. At that point, their objections are more illusions. Refugee Resettlement “programs,” for example, funnel billions in tax dollars annually to faith organizations.

The “separatists” don’t bat an eye.

This wouldn’t even move the (hypodermic?) needle if I had to guess.


“…public health leaders want to “harness the power of community trust in statewide faith-based organizations” to convince folks to get a COVID-19 shot.”

To do this,

“…grant programs …pay churches and nonprofits to speak with their people and persuade them to get vaccinated.

“…$10 for each person-to-person outreach including direct phone calls, direct text messages, direct social media messages, door-knocking campaigns, and anything that involves one on one dialogue promoting the COVID-19 shot. The church or other nonprofit gets another $10 for each person who gets the shot.” …

They even have some suggested ways to get people who would otherwise have a religious objection to forget about that.

 Churches could set aside two hours after the worship service and the state vaccination partner could give entire families shots. A program like Meals on Wheels could have a vaccination nurse ride along on deliveries and offer the shot immediately, right in people’s homes. Or a community block party with food and prizes could be held where vaccines are being offered.


This story comes out of Pennsylvania, but we’re talking about a federal program available to your state if that’s not PA. They set aside buckets of money to get religious leaders to use their influence to bypass religious objections, to an experimental treatment that does more harm than good.

And who says the government isn’t insidious?

If you encounter one of these (please let us know), we think you should politely confront your faith leaders with the facts forced out of Pfizer and the FDA.



Add appropriate religious references at your discretion (might I suggest Galatians 4:16?). Oh, and rub it in the faces of any pro-vax Karens who also happen to be douchebags about the concept of a separation between church and state.

And be sure to ask them when they plan to protest so you can join them.



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