There is No Separation of Church And “State Refugee Resettlement Dollars”


If you are one of those “separation of church and state” folks or someone who takes issue with the Feds sending tax-dollars to religious organizations you’d best not also be out there crying compassion for the resettlement of refugees. Why? Because most of the billions spent to resettle refugees in the US every year goes to 11 contractors, 7 of whom are religious.

  • CWS Church World Service
  • HIAS Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
  • LIRS Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services
  • CC/USCCB Catholic Charities/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops 20
  • EMM Episcopal Migration Ministries
  • WRI World Relief Inc. (WRI describes itself as the largest evangelical refugee resettlement agency in America.)
  • ECDC Ethiopian Community Development Council
  • IRC International Rescue Committee
  • USCRI U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants


  • Baptist Child & Family Services (BCFS)
  • Southwest Key Programs, Inc. (SW Key)

These organizations feed at a trough of billions in taxpayer dollars, which in some cases, represent from 70-90% of the money they raise.

If that doesn’t bother you my separation of church and state friends, understand that these are Social Gospel of social justice organizations. They are tied to and advancing the goofy anti-free market, anti-liberty, anti-free speech social justice agenda.

If that doesn’t bother you, they operate tax-free as well-fed non-profits. THey have their own lobbying organization. Refugee Council USA was behind the letter sent to Obama from the US Senate urging resettlement of 65,000 Syrian refugees in America.

For the community organizers who live, work, and feed off these religious groups, “compassion” comes with a big per-head pay-day and large paychecks.

I bring it all up because I know a few atheists (from both sides of the aisle), who have been repeating the compassion argument, concerning the Syrian refugees. I was not sure if they knew how much ‘compassion’ costs us already and who is making millions annually in the process of exercising it for them?

It is a huge business.

Social Justice religious groups are collecting a fortune for themselves while adding to your state and local welfare burden. And they have been for years; before you add state and local costs. Refugees are plugged into welfare, housing aid, food aid, food stamps, cash support, and additional grant programs, all paid for by taxpayers.

Local Schools have kids who are speaking a handful or perhaps dozens of new languages. These districts must spend even more tax dollars to try and communicate in classrooms brought to a crawl.

All because a handful of influential religious organizations with national reach and international connections are collecting millions of dollars annually from the government they can spend tax-free. Sure, other groups would step in because there is big money to be made, but this brings me back to the real point of this essay. Why aren’t the atheists and the usually outspoken separation crowd having a non-stop decades-long hissy-fit? We’re talking about billions in federal funding of religious groups including hundreds of local church “charities” that put boots on the ground with taxpayer money.

Where is the outrage, the lawsuits, the legislation? Did I miss it because it seems unusually quiet out there?

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