Minute man

Rising to Meet Our Dystopian Present

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done one of these but with good reason. As a way of explanation, we need to accept a few things first. There is a statist establishment. It runs Washington DC, and it is run by the Democrat party. We see its end game in their priorities.

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Minute man

Have Faith in Their Hypocrisy

If it is disgusting, unethical, or even criminal for a church leader to spend money they ask for and receive voluntarily – on themselves instead of their supposed mission, how it is not exponentially worse than members of Congress (or their donors or supporters) are getting rich (or at least enriched) on the money “taken from people” who won’t be born for generations and can’t even vote to allow it or object in the first place?

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new year champagne Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

Happy New Year?

A long time ago I resolved not to make any more resolutions at New Years. I instead adopted something like an idea we recently shared from marathoner Joan Benoit Samuelson. It’s not about what the day brings to you it’s about what you bring to the day.

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