Testing without Consent Is Tyranny!  Masking without Consent Is Tyranny!  Vaccination without Consent Is Tyranny! 


In 1770 two regiments of British soldiers were being maintained in Boston.  The colonists were outraged, so they formed a crowd and taunted the Red Coats.  A young colonial “libertarian” was struck in the head by a Red Coat, which prompted a further surge in the crowd.

A British soldier was knocked over at some point, discharging a shot, causing a volley to be fired that resulted in five dead colonists.

Samuel Adams carried a petition signed by many of the citizens of Boston demanding that the British soldiers leave Boston.  Governor Hutchinson, the Royal Governor, received Sam Adams while seated in his high chair of authority with a British lieutenant colonel behind him.  Hutchinson hoped to demonstrate his authority and impress Adams into submission.

Adams, unphased, stepped forward, looked the Royal Governor right in the eyes, and demanded on behalf of the people that all British troops be withdrawn immediately.

We want to thank Tejasinha Sivalingam for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
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To demonstrate his resoluteness to the Royal Governor, Adams stated, “I am in fashion, and out of fashion, as the whim goes.  I will stand alone.”  He continued by affirming, “I will oppose this tyranny at the threshold, though the fabric of liberty fall, and I perish in its ruins.”

Hutchinson offered to remove one regiment and leave the other in place.  Samuel Adams being resolute and uncompromising in his commitment to liberty, replied, in summary, “If you have the power to remove one regiment, you have the power to remove both…Both regiments or none.”

The Royal Governor agreed both regiments would leave.

Later a British loyalist asked the Governor why he didn’t try to sweeten the deal for Adams by offering him a position in his office so that he could surveil Adams.  Hutchinson responded, “Such is the obstinacy and inflexible disposition of the man that he never would be conciliated by any office whatsoever.”  Adams knew that compromising liberty was an error!

In the present day, the government, and companies it serves, have regiments of public health soldiers and propagandists throughout the State.  They are terrorizing and tyrannizing the population.  The citizens gathered and signed petitions, multiple petitions; we are still signing petitions. Petitions are good, petitions are proper, and petitions require that the people delivering the petitions, our modern-day “Samuel Adams,” be peacefully unreasonable for liberty. The sacred flame of liberty must burn in their hearts, whether or not their minds can fully explain it.

However, this is not as it is!  Our Samuel Adams of the day become weak-kneed in the presence of “Royal” authority, and we are lucky if they even remember to bring our petitions before the “High-chair,” whoever he may be.  When they do, they seem to undercut the people’s demands with “pretty please” and patty cake, and they return to us with a message of “Kum Ba Yah.”  When the High-chair says, “we will withdraw one regiment,” our Sam Adams says, “Well only if you want to, we don’t mean to be an inconvenience!”

The High-chair, hearing the soft chuckle of pleasure from the lieutenant colonel behind him, says, “Better yet, how about you work for me?  Take this cake and go back out and feed the dogs.  A dog always wags his tail when someone familiar feeds him.”

Case in point, see the attached petition and correspondence submitted to the NH House of Representatives.  The “Petition for Redress of Grievances concerning the 2020 COVID-19 Emergency and Executive Orders issued by HIS EXCELLENCY CHRISTOPHER T. SUNUNU, GOVERNOR” was submitted to the House on or about November 27th, 2020.  With what appear to be signatures from Representatives-elect.  I will leave it to you to look through the signatories if you wish.

On or about December 22, 2020, the House Clerk responded, “I will note the reception of your petition in my office and state the form of the petition in our House Calendar.”  The petition does, in fact, appear to be stated in the House Calendar of December 31, 2020, near the bottom of page two.

As of this date, unless I am mistaken, nothing was done with this petition.

The excuse that the petition was started on the last House Calendar of 2020 doesn’t hold.  First, I subsequently notified some Representatives of the Petition.  Second, it appears that some Representative-elect may have signed the petition, so they knew it existed.  Third, it is the job of the Representatives, and Representatives-elect, to pay attention to the Calendars.

The question before us since approximately April 2020 is, shall the God-given rights and liberties of the people of New Hampshire be firmly, peacefully, and politically contended for, or shall they be surrendered to an endless labyrinth of political jockeying and technocratic authoritarianism?

I say testing without consent is tyranny!  Masking without consent is tyranny!  Vaccination without consent is tyranny!  What say you?


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