Americans Can No Longer Remain Silent

Critical Race Theory is the latest element from the Left to promote hatred and division in America. It is completely racist itself and a total lie beginning to end. Consider:

  • The History of slavery goes back before The Old Testament, before even the written word.
  • It was embraced by nearly every race creed, religion on every continent with the possible exception of Australia.
  • Of all the human centuries with slavery an accepted condition of life how many cultures of their own accord banished it?

Only the western European culture from which white Americans derived.  Of these how many fought a long bloody civil war against their own kind to end it legally and permanently? Then abolitionists and honorable people fought for decades to end segregation, Jim Crow Laws, pass Civil Rights Laws, arrest and imprison criminal racists, destroy the KKK, and like organizations both as a political and economic power?

Only one nation on earth fills that description, The United States Of America.

Today there are those who are attempting to label us as a “racist nation”; all whites are said to be essentially racist. Such is the message of Critical Race Theory. But history and reality prove this claim to be a vile lie.

Because a small few racists still exist, and they are not at all exclusively white, the attempt is to identify our nation based on the least of us rather than the greater of us. Radical Marxists, inventors of this fraud, “Critical Race Theory,” go by the motto of “by any means necessary” of which this is just the latest in a long line of lies, smears, and slander as they work toward a totalitarian take over of our Constitutional Republic with them in total control forever.

Americans can no longer remain silent; we must rise up and demand this polluted theory and its supporters be thrown in the trash heap of history. Elected officials, teachers, anyone with power or authority over your children must be replaced. Keep in mind their motto – “by any means necessary”.
Protect the kids.


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