What You Clicked and Read the Most During the 2020 COVID Apocolypse Year- Part I

Top tens are not our most popular content, but it’s the end of the year. And what a year. One in which we were not all in “it” together. But we were here, and so were you. So, what did you read the most this past year? Let’s take a look.

ICYMI: Hammers and Nails: Stop Treating COVID As If it is Equally Dangerous to Everybody

Controversy, of course, has a way of attracting attention, and we had some.


10.  Ukrainian Official: Obama Ambassador Asked Me to Help DNC Get Dirt on Donald Trump in Jan 2016

The story is about an Obama/White House meeting at which a herd of Ukrainian Officials was brought in to discuss the Biden situation.  A January 2016 meeting at which Andrii Telizhenko “…was told to work and cooperate with Mrs. Chalupa, a DNC operative, by Ambassador Chaliy…She asked for me to help her get dirt on Presidential candidate Donald Trump.”


9. Pelosi Realizes Impeachment Was a Mistake

Whatever you make of the case against President Donald Trump, it’s very difficult to argue that this impeachment effort by the House has been effective. Pelosi realizes impeachment was a mistake.


8 . The Corona Virus hits the Merrimack High School, and at least one administrator doesn’t want students, staff, or parents to know about it!!!

A post by an anonymous writer (to protect his job and career) in which he tells you “with absolute certainty that a teacher traveled to Italy and was told to stay home beginning on Thursday, March 5th.” During the peak of COVID cases in Italy, the returning teacher was never quarantined until after several days of contact with students.


COming in part II, Trump supporters assaulted, some COVID craziness, and Oaths of office – as in not following them.

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