What You Clicked and Read the Most During the 2020 COVID Apocolypse Year- Part II

We will have published just under 4600 new posts in 2020 by New Year’s Eve. That’s just over 12 per day, every day, all year long. To focus on just 10 seems trivial, but this is a hobby, so we aren’t paying someone to post the top 100. Ten will have to do.

Related: What You Clicked and Read the Most During the 2020 COVID Apocolypse Year- Part I

We shared posts 10, 9, and 8 here the day before yesterday and will reveal the top three on Thursday. Today, you get 7 thru 4 and without much preamble.

We like to let the content speak for itself or, in this case, your choice of it, so here they are.


#7. Trump Supporters Assaulted at New Hampshire Polling Place [Updated]

“We got attacked at Windham High by an Antifa like dude. Dude sucker hit a minor Trump volunteer we were with, and as we tried to retain him, he sucker punch me in my mouth. Mangled me up.”


#6 FACT CHECK: ‘Trump Accomplishments’ List

I don’t agree with all of these policies or actions, but some of them are damn good, like getting us out of the destructive Paris Accord, tax cuts, and others. Because I’m a sadist (clearly), I decided to research each of the statements to verify. I also organized them into categories because this was not ‘Kim-sui.’


#5 Yes, Vermont DID Restrict the Sale of Seeds in Some Stores ‘cuz COVID-19, and a Lot More

Last night we learned that stores in Vermont had been instructed to prohibit the sale of vegetable seeds because of the pandemic. Part of that report included my failed effort to find the provenance. A reader just sent it to me. And it’s not just vegetable seeds.


#4 “Rampant disrespect for the oath of office has become the norm.”

So how did she “honor” her oath to protect the Constitution when she doesn’t even want to think about it?  Sadly, many are just like her.  Too many. But they are there. And what are we to do about it?



Image: GrokMeetUp in Keene, NH 


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