My state rep, Catherine Sofikitis, who proudly kneels during the playing of the national anthem at the beginning of New Hampshire House sessions recently called military veteran Jacqueline Casey, her opponent in the state rep race for Nashua Ward 7, a white supremacist.
Related: Meet NH House Candidate Jackie Casey – Nashua Ward 7 (Hills 34)
Jacqueline is a member of Oath Keepers.
From the Oath Keepers About page:
Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Without doing any homework on the group or checking with Jacqueline about her beliefs, Catherine Sofikitis decided to start a nasty rumor in the Crown Hill Peeps Facebook group stating that Jacqueline is “a member of Oath Keepers a white supremacist organization.”
I criticized Catherine for calling Jacqueline a white supremacist and I asked her to apologize. Catherine replied:
Furthermore this page is not for political posts. There is high anxiety right now with the Covid virus and high political tension. I am sure that the moderator will pull this down but I I really want all Ward 7 residents to be healthy and safe.
She attacked her opponent, making the outrageous claim that Jacqueline is a white supremacist, demanded that we not discuss politics, and then insists she wants all Ward 7 residents to be safe while clearly not concerned about Jacqueline’s safety.
Catherine finished with this comment:
I will not discuss this further, The Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL classify Oathkeepers as dangerous Right Wing Domestic Terrorists. I will kneel for the Anthem until all Americans have equality.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has been exposed as a corrupt organization that smears organizations as hate groups to help them raise a huge amount of money.
Catherine Sofikitis kneels for our flag while trying to destroy the reputation of a military veteran for her own political gain. Shameful.
Learn more about Jacqueline Casey’s campaign for state rep and donate at