Jeff Bezos

Christians Stand with Israel. Amazon stands with discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.

The AmazonSmile Program Now Prevents Customer Donations to a Pro-Israel Organization, Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN), a Tennessee-based non-profit evangelical Christian organization committed towards standing with Israel and fighting antisemitism, has been removed from the AmazonSmile program, which enables Amazon customers to donate a percentage of their purchase to their favorite charity. PJTN President … Read more

“Profiting off the Anxieties and White Guilt of Northern Liberals”

In the wake of two recent posts on the subject of white guilt here and here this seemed a suitable remark to share.

As Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who’s also been smeared by the SPLC as an “anti-Muslim extremist,” has noted, the group these days is invested more in “profiting off the anxieties and white guilt of Northern liberals” than in actually upholding civil rights.

Jeff Sessions has ordered a review to ensure the U.S. Department of Justice is not partnered with the SPLC in any way, shape, or form and with good reason. The SPLC has become a hate group, smearing organizations, and individuals without fear until recently.

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Farmington New Hampshire Democrats…About That Hate Group Thing…

The Farmington New Hampshire Democrat Committee web page includes a post titled “Southern Poverty Law Center Report Finds ‘Patriot’ Groups Surge As Anti-Obama Fervor Grows.”  There is an image with a link to a HuffPo post written by Janelle Ross which quotes the the Southern Poverty Law Center, and concludes that…

The number of anti-government “patriot” groups, including paramilitary hate organizations, reached an all-time high in 2012, fanned by President Barack Obama’s reelection and talk of gun control following the Newtown, Conn., elementary school massacre, according to a report issued Tuesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center. (SPLC)

They are all hate groups now.  Nice.

What I found most interesting about all of this is that if you search the Farmington New Hampshire Democrat website for any reference to pro-LGBT activist Floyd Lee Corkins, who–based solely on the SPLC’s designation of  the Family Research Council (FRC) as a ‘hate group’–went there with the intention of “killing as many people as possible.”

What?  That’s not hate-enough for you?

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“Fighting Hate – Teaching Tolerance”

I offer nothing but the opening paragraph; read the whole thing by clicking the link The Year in Hate and Extremism By Mark Potok, Senior Fellow Capping four years of explosive growth sparked by the election of America’s first black president and anger over the economy, the number of conspiracy-minded antigovernment “Patriot” groups reached an all-time … Read more

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