We Have Two Enemies to Fight

Today, in America we have two enemies to fight. So who are they? They are the Left and Islam. Why are the Left and Islam such allies? The Left and Islam have much in common. They share many goals and many beliefs. This is what creates their willingness to work as a team.

Related: Are you a Marxist/Anarchist/Islamist bent on ending America?

The Left is more harmful to us in the near term. It is more deeply inculcated into American society. The Left sees America as a class struggle. More broadly it sees the world through the lens of oppressor and victim.

Why does the Left love Islam so much? The Left does not have a structured formal doctrine the way Islam does. In Islam Shariah is a formal doctrine. So too are the Sira and the Hadiths. The Left sees the world as oppressors and victims. Muslims are always the victim. They are also never wrong.

For example, Muslims claim they were the true victims in the 9/11 jihad attack. Yes, the attack was carried out by Muslims.  The physical damage was done to the World Trade Towers. Yes, the attacks were all carried out in America. Yes, most of the victims were American. But people asked ugly questions of Muslims as a result of the attack. Muslims think they should be considered victims of bad behavior against them.

Commonalities of the Left and Islam

Both the Left and Islam are group-oriented. Islam has the Ummah, the aggregation of all Muslims. The Leftists are part of the collective, the commune.

For the Left, the ends justify the means. Violence if it achieves the correct goal is acceptable. In Islam, if the action advances Islam then it is good. It is morally right. With Islam, there is the tool of deception. If the lie works, use it. Muhammad used the tool of assassination to overcome his political enemies. He is the perfect man. All Muslims are urged to emulate his example.

Both the Left and Islam are never wrong. They are never at fault. Both the Left and Islam are very good at street demonstrations and riots. The Left and Islam hate Israel. Both hate Christians as well but with Christians, Islam uses a bit of deception. Here Muslims say Christians are the “people of the book.” But when Muslims achieve actual power they break the cross.

Both Islam and the Left are very aggressive. They both want to annihilate our civilization, western civilization. The Left is the hammer. Islam is the anvil. Both groups are utopian. Left and Islam want to establish a utopia on earth.

Both are totalitarian. Both the Left and Islam want total control of every aspect of our lives. They also see the world as something they must conquer. Islam has a better model here. For Islam, it is not simply a war of conquest but it is also a civilizational war. Islam uses more tools of war than the Left can bring to bear. Today, in America we have two enemies to fight

Will there be a happy ending

But there is a fatal problem. There is a fault line between them. The Left wants women’s rights, gay rights, and separation of church and state. Therefore, if the team of Islam and the Left can bring down the civilization Islam will turn on the Left. In the end, Islam will destroy the Left. We have seen this play out before. But for today, in America, we have two enemies to fight.

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