Islam praying Photo by Faseeh Fawaz on Unsplash

Islam Was Not For Me

My breach with Islam started as far back as I could discern things. More to the point, I never embraced Islam in the first place, although I was born and raised in a Muslim family. For one thing, I had a tough time following a so-called religion whose founder and followers had butchered my ancestors, … Read more

Quran Islam Muslims

An Open Letter to the God of Islam

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim, you must believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger, and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living. Hard as I tried, I had a terrible time being a … Read more

Angels and Demons

Week after week here in NH and around the country, we read how Palestinians are the poor victims of oppression and subjugation written by folks who are uninformed as to the ideology of Islam. I keep urging people to read the Quran so they might know what motivates Muslims (Palestinians are Muslims), but some are … Read more

Iranian Flag Photo by sina drakhshani on Unsplash

The Genesis of Shi’a Islam

Muhammad ruled with an iron fist while alive, and no one contested his authority. He designated no heir, left no will, oral or written, and had no male issue from his wives and slave women to inherit the office. Some believers, however, felt that the prophet wished for Ali, his cousin and son-in-law, to assume … Read more

Israel – Ongoing links, memes, and commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

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Night Cap: Will America Survive the Threat of Islam

Nearly 1400 years ago, a large number of Muslim jihadists from across the scorching Arabian desert, motivated by the ideology of Islam, indoctrinated by Muhammad, unafraid of death, conquered Iran (Persia), one of the greatest, strongest and most tolerant empires known throughout the history of man.

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Whitewash Islamism

Civilizational War: Know Your Islamic Enemy

As a follow on to my recent essay, Israel: The Lesson of Sudenteland Applies – Granite Grok, I want to highlight more statements and other information to point out the dangers of radical Islam, in many cases as voiced by their own preachers or ex-Muslims.

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Muslims’ Entrapment by Islam

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful, fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and property insecurity exist wherever the Prophet’s followers rule or live.

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Israel: The Lesson of Sudenteland Applies

I first learned the Arabic phrase “First Saturday, then Sunday” from Brigitte Gabriel’s book BECAUSE THEY HATE.  Translation, for those who have not heard of it: First the SATURDAY PEOPLE, i.e., The Jews, and then the SUNDAY PEOPLE, the Christians.

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Night Cap: Read a Koran

What does Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom have in common with Islam? Aside from the movie being a fantasy both are about murder/terror cults. Oh yes it is, kidnapping and slavery alive and well in the Muslim world to this day and feminists should be going crazy that in Islam a woman is worth 1/4th that of a man (Read a Koran).

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Whitewash Islamism

An unholy alliance: Leftism and Islamism

American colleges, known for fostering social movements, have witnessed a curious alliance in recent decades—the Leftist-Islamist coalition, an uneasy and yet significant force. This essay delves into this collaboration, raising questions about its ideological compatibility and financial transparency.   The political leanings of American faculty have been a topic of discussion since the 1930s. Studies like those by the … Read more

Whitewash Islamism

Night Cap: Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamism

Time and again, we are told by the politically correct “experts” not to worry about Islam posing a threat to our way of life. We are repeatedly lectured that only a very small minority of Muslims are troublemakers who are giving the peaceful masses of Muslims a bad name. We are also informed that the … Read more

Chains child slavery

Night Cap: Islam is a Faith of Surrender and Not That of Free Will

Whereas the practice of slavery enslaves the body, the dogma of apostasy ensnares the mind. Whereas slavery is a shameful practice of the past, some shameless religionists still use the doctrine of apostasy to intimidate and severely punish people who elect to choose their own beliefs.

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Night Cap: Good Hate, Bad Love

“Love” is considered a virtue, while “hate” is considered a vice. But not all forms of love are good, and not all hates are bad. If you love to set buildings on fire, molest children, or steal, these are obviously bad loves. If you hate racism, sexism, or injustices of all sorts, then these are good hates.

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Night Cap: Islam’s 12 Steps to Destroy the Land of Infidels

A relatively recent demographic change—a significant increase in the Muslim population—poses a serious challenge to the American system of governance—democracy. Historically, people from all over the world came to this land-of-take-all and made it their home. In becoming American, each new aspirant had to meet specific provisions and take the “Pledge of Allegiance” as sworn … Read more

Four Decades of Islamic Occupation in Iran

Iran has been under the rule of Islam since 1979. The Iranian people have attempted on several occasions to end the practice of these barbarians. Still, each time, they were faced with the ruthless Islamic regime, and many of them were massacred while the world watched and did nothing.

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Quaran Muslims Islam

The Menace of Sharia Law in Western Democracies

Respect for the rule of law, as it is understood and practiced by civilized people, is an instrument of convenience to be used to advantage and to be violated when it is not for the Muslim. A Muslim believes in a different law—Sharia Law: a set of stone-age rules. Violation of the non-Muslim laws, therefore, … Read more

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

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Diversity: Muslim Teens Beat Up Santa – Call him Fat and Tear His Red Suit

Nothing says let’s all get along like a gang of Muslime yutes (Yooouths) beating up a guy dressed as Santa on his way to be Santa for some local kids.

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Irony Alert: Trans-Influencer Loves They/Them Some Quranic Wisdom … Say, What?

Amidst the hustle and bustle of erasing the next Christian holiday and only a few weeks since the idea that slaughtering Jews is a good reason to stand with “Palestine,” the Queer lobby continues to beclown themselves in Burqua-level ignorance.

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