Why are Leftists and Islam Allied? - Granite Grok

Why are Leftists and Islam Allied?

Rashida Tlaib Koran

What’s the danger?

Today we are at a place where we have two immediate enemies of our civilization. The far enemy is political Islam. The near enemy is the political left. Of the two the Left, is by far, the more immediately harmful. The Left is more fully embedded in our civilization. As a recognized part of our society they are capable of more damage because of their position within. Each wants to annihilate western civilization.

Why are the Left and Islam allied?

The Left and Islam have a lot in common. Both are very aggressive. The Left and Islam are never at fault, hate Christians and hate Israel. Each group wants to establish a utopia. Both are totalitarian. These enemies each want total control of every aspect of our lives.

Both see the world as a thing to be conquered. The Left sees the world through the lens of oppressor and victim. Muslims are always the victim. For example, they claim Muslims were the true victims in the jihad against the World Trade Towers on 9/11. Damn the facts, Muslims are never wrong.

The groups work as a team aided by the fact both the Left and Islam are group oriented. In Islam they have the Uma, the grand collection of all Muslims. The left has the collective where they commune. Both groups are good at and practiced in, street demonstrations and riots. The left is the hammer. Islam is the anvil.

Philosophical differences

In the final analysis, Islam has the better model because for them it is not simply about conquest. They understand the greater struggle as civilizational war. Islam uses more tools than the Left can bring to bear. Philosophically, for Islam, if an action advances Islam, then it is good. For the Left violence is acceptable if the ends justify it.

At this point it is arguable that the Left has no formal doctrine. Islam clearly does have a doctrine. In Islam sharia is a formal doctrine coming from the Quran, Sira and the Hadiths. For Islam any action advancing Islam is good; it is morally right. If a lie works, fine use it, if it advances Islam.


There is an apparent fault line between the groups. The Left says it wants women’s rights, gay rights and separation of church and state. All these things are unacceptable to political Islam. But for today, my enemy’s enemy is my friend. In the end, political Islam will turn on the Left and destroy it. That is exactly what happened in Iran.
