Leftism by Matt Walsh TrumpArea

“What Is Leftism?”Good Question; It’s Not What You Think

by Skip

Conservatives, Libertarians, Independents, Liberals, Leftists (Socialists, Communists, and Fascists); all are political labels. Unlike many folks, mostly on the Left, I think that “labels” are perfectly good and are rather accurate in “pre-describing” what values and thought processes a person would generally display.

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Lincoln Statue inside Memorial

Quote of the Day: Abraham Lincoln

As our ‘leaders’ contemplate military action in Ukraine, and more vaccine madness at home… having already decimated our own economy and the freedoms that allowed us to build it… it’s worth recalling the following observation — one might almost call it a prediction — made by President Lincoln:

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“Stop the Insane Overreaction” – John Hinderaker

Money quotes from his piece at Powerline: “In the last 21 days, approximately 162,000 Americans have died. Of that number, 150 were killed by the Wuhan virus. Here is a prediction: the deaths of Americans caused by the Wuhan flu bug will be dwarfed by the suicides committed by people whose life’s savings have been … Read more

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