Steve’s post on “ICE Scores Huge Win in the People’s Republic of Maskachusetts” caught my eye with this gem. “Don’t worry, A**achusetts Democrats are still going to fight this in the lower court. No price is too high (for you to pay) to ensure that there is no price too high for you to pay.”
“More Spending, Higher Taxes, Democrat Party.”
Democrats should put that on a bumper sticker and use it for their campaign. It’d be the most honest thing anyone had ever done, which is why they never will. Maybe we should do it for them.
We should – perhaps not in time for the NH Primary next week but certainly in time for the General Election.
I’ve been thinking about getting some GrokSwag together for years now – time to get off my butt (smaller than it used to be but not trim enough) and get working on it. But I am all fumble fingers with Photoshop and the like – I barely graduated from Jr. High stick figures in Art class. Colors, fonts, sizes – not me.
I’ve asked for suggestions for bumper stickers before but now it’s time to start in with those and other things. And, of course, I claim “Get Grokked” and “Got Grokked yet?”. But if someone can design one of the above, I’ll get it into production.