People of Color: Shop in Nashua Without a Mask – Just to See What Happens

The Benevolent Despots in the People’s Republic of Nashua (New Hampshire) have passed a decree. Shop Keepers shall not serve unmasked patrons. Somewhere in the small print, I’d expect to see some text directing children to rat out their parents to the Gestapo.

Related: Cities & Towns in New Hampshire Have NO Legal Authority to Mandate Masks


Nashua officials have adopted a revised mask mandate that prohibits businesses from serving patrons who are not wearing face masks. – Aldermen voted 13-2 Tuesday to support the proposal, which has drawn praise and criticism from the community.


I’m a big fan of private businesses making decisions to serve and not serve whomever they please. Note the operative ‘They.’ For good or bad, the market then makes judgments, and those goods or services thrive or die on that vine.

The Democrat majority board, of course, knows better, fulfilling their destiny, to borrow a line from Emperor Palpatine.

Wielding terms like ‘vast majority’ and ‘moral obligation,’ neither of which is ever of any concern to a tyrant, the political busy-bodies have turned job creators into those children in movies about the Nazis. Let us know if your parents or teachers are saying anything negative about the mask mandate, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Resistance is futile.

Is it?

Let’s take a test. People of color who find this entire idea as tiring as it is hostile to our individual liberty need to shop in Nashua without a mask. When they tell you they cannot serve you, say as politely but loudly as you can, “the city told you to refuse service to a black man? (woman, etc.).”

Any woman, LGBT, or other protected progressive species could, likewise, make the formula work.

White men, you are SOL. You’ll get the bracelets and a bill from the city for disorderly this or that and branded as a threat to public welfare. As if the submission of the masses to illiberal nonsense in the name of public health were not the greater threat.

Note to unhinged leftists who think we are trying to make black people sick. We’re not. We believe all people should be free to choose to go maskless regardless of race, color, sex, religion, or any other category real or imagined. Let my people go!

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