Third World Solutions in a First-World Society


America today is a perfect illustration of the application of third world solutions in a first-world society. Marxists in the US are trying to leverage the immediate righting of everything they see as wrong. They badger the people who own and operate the offending organization.

Related:  Are you a Marxist/Anarchist/Islamist bent on ending America?

If they do not gain capitulation immediately; they settle for destroying it. These juveniles do not care if the organization is good or bad. Nor do they do not care what the history of the organization is.

They only care about the immediate gratification of their worldview. They live in the now. There is no recognition that making things better most often requires delayed self-gratification. If each of them must gratify every impulse, all of the time, what we get is Portland. It is a constant state of interminable chaos and destruction. There’s no time to make a living, have a relationship, make a family, or to build anything. Everything devolves until Portland becomes Beirut.

If you live in the United States today, in 2020, you are more comfortable, freer, and you live a more luxurious life than anyone ever in the history of the world. A question before us is: Should we have a certain level of gratitude for our position? Does what has come before matter? Should we focus our energy helping others build to where we are? Or, must we destroy what we have in the name of injustice? Which side are you on?

Government power

Does government censorship of social media work? Not, can it happen? Rather, is government control of communication a good thing? Should we trust the government? How much power should Americans entrust to our government? Why is that?

Even if there are things you think are worth doing. Even if the government could aid in accomplishing those goals. Do we want to trust the government with the power to carry out the actions necessary to complete those tasks? We must be very careful with the power we allocate to the government. This is an inconvenient truth.

Parenting produced Portland

By extension; do we want our kids today to grow to be good people? How about encouraging then to seek a fulfilling and happy life? Should we want them to be well adjusted? What value do we attach to life skills? Should we be worried about whether they are plugged in with their peers? Hint: They will plug in with their peers whether you want them to or not. Maybe if we have done some parenting before they spread their wings they will have a less painful time of achieving independence.

When we look back at what was important to us as a kid most of us cringe. At the time what was immediate to us felt real and important at the time. It is real and important as a child. But, as an adult, we have to impart the wisdom of what experience has shown us. Yes, these things are real, these are your emotions. However, there are things more important than this.

Today we have two generations lost. Many parents were incapable of the emotional maturity required to impart wisdom. They have not met their parental responsibilities. Their children are now grown. They act out, nearly entirely emotionally, are devoid of wisdom and they want what they want. They demand what they want when they want it. When the rest of the world does not acquiesce they act out. Welcome to Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Baltimore, New York, etc. The world is done giving them participation trophies which is the inconvenient truth.


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