NPR Broadcast Ratings Take a Hit – No Commute, No Commuters Listening

Auntie Vaquser

NPR’s cavalcade of partisan political radio romances is officially a COVID19 casualty. Wounded would be more accurate. The New America, with its infectious factions facilitating frauds, has hit the fake-news NPR to the tune 25% of its listening audience.

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No car-time, no NPR.

Broadcast ratings for nearly all of NPR’s radio shows took a steep dive in major markets this spring, as the coronavirus pandemic kept many Americans from commuting to work and school. The network’s shows lost roughly a quarter of their audience between the second quarter of 2019 and the same months in 2020.

Another bastion of progressive pontifications suffers a gut-punch from the political response to the virus.

We can add NPR to newspapers that have gone begging for donations, pimped ad discounts to stay afloat, or succumbed to tabloid+esque antics to attract eyeballs.

Nor does this appear to be a short-term issue. National Public Radio expects an increase in work-from-home to have a permanent impact on listener-ship.

NPR has been planning for the migration of listeners away from traditional radio for years. Back in 2010, under then-CEO Vivian Schiller, the network shifted its on air and online branding from National Public Radio to the ubiquitous NPR as it made a greater digital push.

“It’s important for us to reach our future audiences where they are,” Lansing said Wednesday, “whether or not it’s in their car, or on other digital platforms, or social media platforms.”

Their digital space has picked up some of the slack, and podcasts are a growing vector, so it’s not all bad news for Nancy Pelosi Radio. But is it good news for Taxpayers?

NPR’s ability to make money on podcasts, as an example, should send a message to Washington. The new technology and a shift in how people consume media suggest they are capable of fending for themselves.  So, why can’t we decouple them from the taxpayer cash that still finds its way into NPR’s pockets? Repurpose it for things that do not prop up partisan political interests?

Anyone? Bueller?


  • Auntie Vaquser

    I was a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier. Then I was a Browncoat fighting the tyranny of the Covidists and their Public Health Tyranny Alliance (Among other things). Now I'm just Auntie Vaquser.

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