Dem State Party Chair Says These Republican Women are not Smart Enough to be State Reps - Granite Grok

Dem State Party Chair Says These Republican Women are not Smart Enough to be State Reps

603 Candidate Training - Women Attendees

A few weeks ago, we posted a picture of a group of Republican women participating in an immersive candidate training on how to run for public office. New Hampshire Democrat Party State Chair Ray Buckley shared the picture claiming, they are not smart enough to be state reps. Why?

Related: A Growing Number of Republican Women Are Running For State Rep. in New Hampshire

They think for themselves.

I guess Ray thinks women should cover their faces in public. Not terribly progressive thinking. And he clearly does not like women who do not conform strictly to his narrow political worldview, which (currently) includes pushing for meaningless mask mandates.

Ray Buckley - Masks Women 603 Alliance

Not only is there is no convincing evidence that masks do anything to stop the spread of a virus, but there is also no evidence mask mandates will stop the spread and proof that they do not. So Ray has no legs to stand on, but wait, there’s more!

Demographically, there is little to no risk in this group and, well – there’s always the question of a woman’s right to choose or make her own decisions about health care.

I guess Mr. Buckley demands that they follow his advice (and his party) when it comes to decisions about women’s health care.

In other words, ignore all that other party rhetoric and get in line with this, (unless you are gathering to set fire to minority businesses, riot, loot, and assault people in the name of a Marxist front group misleading people into thinking they care about black Americans of their lives). Then that mask and distancing thing is racist, and you should ignore it, or something.

I guess the question voters need to ask is whether they want women in elected office who think for themselves or who blindly do whatever Democrat state party chair Raymond Buckley tells them to do?
