ReopenNH – Independence Day Celebration at State House

EAST DERRY, N.H.—With many communities around the state canceling traditional Independence Day celebrations, parades, and fireworks displays on July 4 this year for spurious reasons, ReopenNH is calling all patriots to celebrate American liberty together at the New Hampshire State House from noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday.

ICYMI:  Go Outside. Forget about COVID. Forget about Politics. Do Something Different.

“ReopenNH opened the state for business on D-Day this year at Hampton Beach and many businesses and citizens have begun to live life according to the dictates of their conscience despite an increasing push by Gov. Chris Sununu and health department bureaucrats to force unlawful policies that stifle free enterprise, individual liberty, and human decency,” said Andrew J. Manuse, chairman of ReopenNH. “Independence Day in 1776 was the day Americans declared independence from the British Crown because of the king’s edicts that were making life miserable for colonists, and this Fourth of July we will show our independence from any government order that violates the natural rights and dignity of a free people.”

The rally, which will be focused on the positive message of liberty under God for all people, will incorporate many daytime Independence Day traditions. The event will begin with an invocation and prayer for our state and nation and a reading of the Declaration of Independence, as well as other political commentary, but it will also include music, lawn games, face painting, balloon animals, decorated bikes, strollers and tricycles for a sidewalk parade and decorated vehicles as part of a counter-clockwise parade around the State House. Participants are encouraged to bring a picnic, bring their uplifting political slogans, and remain peaceful. More detail can be found at Reopen

“We will be calling for a restoration of the freedom we have recently lost due to the novel Coronavirus, which is the new crown that needs to be overthrown, and an end to the civil unrest that has predictably followed the lengthy and unnecessary shutdown,” Manuse said. “We will be calling for an end to fear and all other divisions that separate us from achieving the best version of ourselves. We will be highlighting what we can accomplish when we build each other up and treat each other with dignity. We will celebrate liberty, which gives us all the best chance to build a thriving and prosperous nation.”

“While we intend Saturday’s rally to be positive, it’s important to also note that our government has certainly veered off course from its purpose,” said JR Hoell, treasurer of ReopenNH. “While executive branch officials and health department bureaucrats have continued the absurdity of their arbitrary and capricious top-down rules stemming from unbalanced fear of the novel Coronavirus, our way of life is being threatened. The cancellation of Independence Day celebrations is a symbol of this threat, which feeds into the desire of some of the elite power brokers attempting to divide the American people and destroy our history, our traditions, and our way of life.”

“We must recognize the injustice of the current situation in America relative to the shutdowns and arbitrary edicts that have destroyed our liberty as well as the brutal treatment of citizens by people in authority and the civil unrest that followed,” Manuse said. “We need to come together as one people from all backgrounds, all heritages, all faiths and all walks of life and stand up for the principles that our Founders articulated in 1776. On Saturday, we must stand up with one voice and declare that we will work toward a country that protects the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for all people, and that every individual deserves the opportunity to pursue their own idea of happiness with equal protection under the law.”


About ReOpenNH
ReOpenNH is a group of concerned individuals devoted to getting New Hampshire back to work through a restoration of balance and reason, a petition drive at, and coordinated demonstrations against arbitrary government.

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