State Rep “Celebrates” July 4th By Mocking George Washington

“Diversity is our strength.” Really? How are we stronger by having a condescending, sneering, potty-mouth elitist, born-with-a-silver-spoon from Bedford “representing” Manchester in the House?  See below for how Jessica Where-All-The-DILFs-At Grill commemorates American independence … by mocking those “old, white males” who created the greatest system of government ever.

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Happy Independence Day!

I am grateful this Independence Day that our nation still fights for the fundamental liberties our forefathers secured for the world to see. This Substack is itself evidence that Americans still value free speech, as we all seek to find truth in a world of unethical journalism and untrustworthy government.

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The Forefathers Shattered My Communist Chains

My story begins in Chengdu, China, at the dawn of the Cultural Revolution, an insanity that gripped millions of my countrymen. We were destitute, as were most Chinese during this period. We lived in a primitive worker’s row house by a river sharing one tarp-covered outhouse and one water faucet with eight families. We had … Read more

Night Cap: Happy Birthday, America

This Fourth of July, our country will celebrate the 248th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. That was the day representatives from thirteen colonies spoke as one. It was the day they stood together and signed a document that declared the sovereignty of the United States of America to the world.

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Patriots! Let’s Unite for a Stronger America!

Dear Patriot,

In these tumultuous times, it is essential to recognize the pivotal role that each of you plays in shaping the course of our nation. As Patriots, you are not mere spectators but active participants in the ever-evolving political climate surrounding us.

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American Flag

We Need To Declare Independence, Again

Nearly 250 years ago, a group of incredible men with vision and wisdom far beyond their years crafted the Declaration of Independence. The colonists had tired of living under totalitarian rule and wanted their freedom and rights endowed upon them by God.

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American Flag original image by by Dave Sherrill on Unsplash

Independence Day

What is it? Wikipedia says, “Independence Day (colloquially the Fourth of July) is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence, which was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, establishing the United States of America.”

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crime-scene body outline murder dead

How Does Chicago Celebrate the 4th

The Fourth of July used to mean something in America. Independence Day used to be a sacred holiday that marked the birth of our great country. Brave citizens banded together and decided that they had tolerated enough of an overbearing ruler and took on the most powerful military in the world. England’s Infantry and Navy … Read more

I stand with Liberty sticker

July 4, 2022: Let Freedom Ring

This is the time of the year that the air is filled with joy and recognition of America’s Independence Day and the formation of one of the greatest nations on Earth. There is something for everyone: spectacular fireworks, family and friends’ gatherings, concerts, patriotic music, parades, and traditional BBQ.

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These are from last year but still good for any Independence Day. Great fireworks at the Londonderry Fish and Game Club and just the best parts.

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American Flag upside down distress

What is Freedom?

It’s the Fourth of July. The day Americans celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Each and every word in that sacred document was given great thought before it was written and enshrined by our Founding Fathers.

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Grok Open Thread - updated

Friday Open Thread – I got nothing

by Skip

Activity is high but we’re heading into a long vacation weekend – Independence Day. Long may our Great American Experiment last – so do your best to celebrate it and make the Democrat / Progressive / Socialist / Communist / Marxist tears flow!

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