The perfidy of the American MSM. “Many media outlets have described the United States as “losing the war” against the coronavirus because of the number of cases keeps going up.” Are we? Losing the war?
Wu Flu
“End the Panic Porn” – some good news about the Wu Flu
That first part of the title comes at the end of this post at PJ Media about what most of the public may not know because not much of it is coming out in the MSM. I’ve known about most of them but this post encapsulates most of the information that the evening news just … Read more
Data Point – US Daily Deaths, 7 Day Average (Wu Flu)
Once again, the U.S. is undergoing a media-driven COVID-19 scare after a “spike” in infections. But as we noted earlier this week, the number of cases depends on the amount of testing. The key gauge to watch is deaths. They’ve been falling since April, and there’s strong reason to believe they’re lower than the official … Read more
Reverse Racism – only Whites in Lincoln, Oregon are mandated to wear face masks
TMEW just announced this to me – she gets Joe Kelly LeVasseur FB posts. Well, it’s true. The Washington Examiner, Townhall, and Oregon Live are reporting that Whites are being singled out in this order starting tomorrow morning. Now, the latter makes no mention of racial discrimination for mandated masks – just that an order … Read more
“…$30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19…”
A little context from Facebook (emphasis mine, reformatted): I don’t want to sound insensitive but with 2 trillion more in spending covering what was never really a national threat it’s going to cost 30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19 just in federal deficit spending. Has not anyone noticed we were not really … Read more
Blogline of the Day – Governor Sununu: Antifa over Church
Emphasis mine: …Sununu is not the only governor who is keeping his state locked down while supporting Black Lives Matter and Antifa rallies that blatantly violate bans on large group gatherings. …If that’s all a little confusing to you, then I’m glad I’m not the only one bemused here. These governors seem to be saying … Read more