The American Left Stops Loving Sweden ‘cuz “Politics”

Sweden is not a socialist country, but its soft quasi-socialism central planning has long had the American left pining. Let’s do that here! Just ask Bernie of the Bros any question, and they’ll find a way to get Sweden into the conversation. But the American left is mad at Sweden because of its response to COVID-19.

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You must accept that the Democrat response to every problem (from beginning to end) has never been about saving anything but their hopes for a Democrat President in 2021. They stopped trying to hide that years ago.

Trump calls for a strong response to the Chinese Flu, and Pelosi rips up the speech. Democrats and the media say he’s crazy and contradict him because “politics.”

When the Flu hits the Fan, and New York City, which was at the heart of the COVID-response resistance becomes the infection capital of the world, Trump didn’t do enough. Every problem New York Dems created over decades gets dropped at Trump’s feet because “politics.”

And now that the forces for good are accepting that the globalists models were crap and that we can contain a small segment of the population (at high risk) and let our other people go (back to work) the same Democrats are screaming no (while laying the unemployment numbers at Trump’s fee because “politics.”

Sweden did it different

The soft-socialist central planners in Sweden did it differently than almost every other nation on earth. 

  • Voluntary social distancing.
  • No mandated business closings.
  • Testing, herd immunity, voluntary participation, testing
  • Make sure the health care system is prepared
  • Focus on those at risk

When the models turned out to be garbage, Sweden looked like the smartest kid on the block. And as the world begins to realize this, American Democrats are still pushing whatever narrative they think will damage Trump because ‘politics.’

I’m not sure there is a better example of what matters to the left more than anything. More than you, your job, your business, your livelihood, your future, your retirement, even your life. Politics. Nothing is more important, and while it is about Trump today, what will it be about tomorrow?

Spying on Americans, their media, and members of congress? Running guns into Mexico to justify gun control? Using the IRS to infringe on free speech rights of their ideological opponents? Making us more dependent on our enemies for energy? Raiding private businesses that donate to Republicans? Releasing individual donor lists to third party activists to destroy private citizens’ lives? Leaving our soldiers to die overseas because the truth is politically damaging before an election?

Locking down an entire economy on the slim the odds it might help them with the Oval Office in November?

Democrats have done all of those things in the past decade, and that’s the shortlist.

They can’t even bring themselves to protect Democrat women from Democrat’s accused of sexually assaulting them. Because politics.

Wake up, people.

Republicans are not perfect, and there are more than a few who are a lot like Democrats, but Democrats are not even shy about their true love. Politics.

And if you give them the power, they won’t waste it worrying about what their policies do to you, your rights, your business, your job, or your future because politics.

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