Disappointed to see this from the College Republicans: Statement on Peaceful Protest in Manchester

by Skip

Sigh, I guess this will mean I’ll get dropped from yet another email list….c’est la! I saw something in this Presser from the NH Federation of College Republicans that made my heart sink and my brain go “WHAT! Don’t they KNOW better than to think / write this???  Emphasis mine:

For Immediate Release: 05/30/2020
Press Contact: Kaylyn Marcotte, comsdirector@nhfcr.gop, 774-946-7336

Statement on Peaceful Protest in Manchester

Concord, NH – Today, thousands gathered on Elm Street in Manchester to protest in solidarity with George Floyd.

NHFCR State Chairman, Matt Denaro, released the following statement:

“The New Hampshire Federation of College Republicans support the peaceful protesters in Manchester. What the world saw in Minneapolis on Monday, with the murder of George Floyd, was horrifying and heartbreaking. It is long overdue for the severance of systemic racism in our society. As an organization that values life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all, we stand in solidarity with those who are hurting, and those who peacefully assemble to send a strong message.”

Arrgghhh!  Once again, we see Republicans adopting the language of the Left.  I responded to the above:

Good morning!I will post this up (need to do more of this from you folks but I do have a serious question:

It is long overdue for the severance of systemic racism in our society.

WHY, in God’s green earth, have y’all resorted to using the language of the Left?

By doing so, you’ve already agreed to their world outlook. You’ve agreed to their framework which means that you’ve already lost in that you’ve agreed that America, in its totality and for the entirety of its life, has been built on and sustained by racism.

Still waiting to hear back. If I do get something, I’ll post an update.

Is that really what the NH College Republicans believe? Or just the writer of this Presser?

The Left has been saying this for years – it is an ideological foundation for their Party, their Platform, and the use of their Identity Politic Totem Pole. That “Pole” is how they’ve been able to assemble a disparate number of groups that otherwise would have little to do with each other but are now grouped under the banner of “Oppressed”. Included in this “systemic racism” schtick is the ungodly notion that every white person here is responsible for the racist sins of EVERY white person that has ever lived in America. That America was built solely on racism and wouldn’t exist as it is today without it (e.g., the New York Time’s 1619 Program). Buried deep within each white person is a inner hatred of “black and brown” people – anyone that isn’t a person of pallor.

Sorry, I will not and do not accept this philosophy or this particular Political Club wielded by the Left. NO one is responsible for any other person’s “sins” regardless of what is claimed or how it is framed – sin is a personal matter and between that person and God. I don’t accept, nor should anyone else, any “sin” that is laid upon me by another simply because of the immutable characteristic of my outer epidermis. I don’t accept that America was built solely on the backs of slaves brought to America and I don’t accept the notion of “systemic racism” which demands that everyone is involved in it simply because the Left says we do (and that goes for that other Political Correctness Club known as “unconscious bias”, too).

At an NH GOP Convention / Annual meeting, the Log Cabin Republicans started doing the same thing when they started to use “inclusive” and “exclusive” and their offshoots in trying to water down the Marriage Plank in the NH GOP.

Think about this, folks – if the GOP allows the Left’s language structures and derivatives into its vernacular, they’ve lost. Period.

Control the language, control the thoughts. Control the thoughts, dominate the debate.

Game over. The Left wins with smiles on their faces. Just like Karl Marx is as he looks up from the utter depths of the hell he didn’t believe in when he sees Bernie, L’il Andru, and the rest of the Fifth Column Socialist ripping away at our original legacy purchased by the blood and sacrifice of our Founding Fathers. Compromised one word, one phrase at a time.

Sorry, Matt Denaro and Kaylyn Marcotte, you are wrong in this. I would have thought, being mired in nothing BUT the language of the Left all day long on college campuses that you’d be especially tuned to it given the hardships that your political beliefs bring you on said campuses.  Sorry to instruct, but there ARE no Safe Spaces in this debate. Dare not to pick up their wordly weapons because they will use them against you.

And this time, they won.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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