ReOpenNH Concord Rally MicroInterview with Ruth


Soon after I had talked with Anne Copp, I ran into Ruth and asked if she had time for a quick interview:

She not only is ticked that she has to protest to get her Rights back but that the Media has been lying to us (hey, Media, you listenin’?).  And she, too, is worried about her small business.  Heh! As to the meme of hospitals having to give up everything for the “Kung Flu surge”? Well, she has something to say about that as well!

Trust.  That’s really what is at stake here. Trust that people and institutions are being real with us, that we are getting the unvarnished truth. As Michael Graham over at InsideSources tells us (emphasis mine):

This reluctance may also be behind the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services’ refusal to release demographic information about COVID-19 hospitalizations and fatalities. They refuse to release data on the number of hospitalized patients with comorbidities. The same with fatalities. Only their sex, their county of residence and whether or not they are over 60 is made public. No information about other factors like obesity, diseases that compromise the immune system, etc. Nor any specific age data, such as how many patients are elderly (80 and older). If those numbers match the data from other states, they would make the case for targeted stay-at-home orders in New Hampshire even stronger.

Go ahead, take an easy breeze over to the NH DHHS site and try to find some detailed stats yourself beyond the daily COVID19 page which isn’t much more helpful than wet paper towels.

Sidenote:  It is now touting NEW WEEKLY SUMMARY REPORTS. Meh. Click on it and what shows up, at the time of this writing, is the report from Monday, April 13. Today is Wednesday the 22nd. So the news that the State is giving us is a useless snapshot from TWO weeks ago. Yeah, Open and Transparent. You wanna see if the apex has been hit or if we are on the downswing? Rots of Ruck, Rubes!

And you wonder why those of us who care about the details (as opposed to just having a blind faith in our “leaders” (who are merely elected representatives)) are ticked and getting rebellious?

It certainly seemed that Ruth, along with many at the Rally, is in this group. Hey, we’re just being Constitutional here (Article 10).


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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