walter e williams on historical views

Walter Williams on the Welfare State

“We have abandoned many personal freedoms. The primary justification for the attack on private property and economic freedom and privacy, I might add,  can be found in peoples desire for  Government to do good.”

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Education Worship.

Education Worship: When Anything is Made an End in itself it Becomes a False God

America is engaged in education worship.  When anything is made an end in itself it becomes a false god. All things must be a means to achieving goodness. Why else should people exist?  Sometimes we lack wisdom or perhaps we lose perspective. Today we seem to be doing that with education.

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Notable Quote: Harvey Mansfield – On Goodness and Justice

“…goodness or justice in our country is not merely the transfer of resources to the poor and vulnerable. We have to take measures to teach the poor and vulnerable to become a little more independent and to prize independence, and not just live for a government check. That means self-government within each self, and where … Read more

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