So kids, what did we learn from Wednesday's House Session (09/18/19)? - Granite Grok

So kids, what did we learn from Wednesday’s House Session (09/18/19)?

Thumbs Down

We learned that Veto Day can be a satisfying endeavor even for the Minority Party Republicans and that saving NH from radical legislation can be fun and rewarding.

After so many losses to the Majority Party Democrats over the course of this past House Session, it was nice to see 23 of 24 House Bills, which were previously vetoed by the Governor, sustained. This was a result of the inability of the Majority Party Democrats to garner a 2/3 majority vote in order to override each bill’s veto and of the Minority Party Republicans being united.

It felt like the Minority Party Republicans were the adult in the room saying to the children, “Sorry, you cannot have that”.

Additionally, it was apparent that the Majority Party Democrats are loathe to realize how much they actually need us Republicans this session. There certainly was a lot of glum and disappointed faces in section 1 and 2 (and part of 3).  The only bill which survived the House was the “Grow Your Own Therapeutic Cannabis” bill which some say has a bleak future in the Senate on 9/19.

We learned that the Second Amendment is safe in NH, for the moment. Unfortunately, the scourge of anti-gun bills, from those who admittedly and ultimately want to confiscate everyone’s guns, will be returning in the next legislative session.  Legislative zombies do exist and apparently they roam the State House searching for sponsors.  I think letting all Granite Staters see the confiscatory agenda of these folks may be useful in next year’s elections.

We learned that Rep. Horrigan was quite triggered and upset with Rep. Burt for calling mass shooters  “Crazy”.  Either Rep. Horrigan doesn’t believe these people are indeed “Crazy” or would prefer to use some other benign warm and fuzzy euphemism to describe these Lunatics.  I think his objection was a bit “Crazy”.

We learned that the Speakers patience can be tried by a member of his own party who had a lengthy and rude Parliamentary Inquiry resulting in much gavel banging and glares. It’s nice to see such party unity (grin).

We learned that net metering and biomass bills could not garner enough votes to continue getting subsidized by  NH ratepayers. Luckily, there are people working on fixing these awful bills to at least be fair and not perpetuate increasingly shocking energy rates. They no doubt will also become Legislative zombies for the next session.

Finally, we learned that shenanigans with replacement budget bills are in progress.  After composing a mysterious 800-page budget bill and refusing to share it with Republicans, the Democrats finally sent it along to be reviewed within 24 hours for Thursday’s session. I suppose they expect us to pass the budget without seeing what’s in it. Sorry, but we don’t do legislation ala Obamacare in NH.

Stay tuned: On September 19th, the House reconvenes to consider any vetoed Senate bills which have been overridden by the Senate, while the House passes along to them exactly 1 overridden House bill.  In case you’re counting, we’re up to 55 vetoes this session. So far, 23 have been sustained.
