Democrats Boo Hickenlooper for Saying Socialism is Not the Answer - Granite Grok

Democrats Boo Hickenlooper for Saying Socialism is Not the Answer

John Hickenlooper

Democrats want socialism. Just ask John Hickenlooper. He had the nerve to stand before the California Democrat party and say Socialism is not the answer. They booed.

“We shouldn’t try to achieve universal coverage by removing private insurance from over 150 million Americans,” Hickenlooper said. “We should not try to tackle climate change by guaranteeing every American a government job. Hold on, hold on. As the Democratic Party, we have to create a vision for this country. I want to give Americans a reason to look forward to tomorrow.”

Hickenlooper has this crazy idea that if the Democrats stick to their Medicare for All, Green New Deal ways, Trump’s going to kick their collectivist asses.

Hickenlooper isn’t saying he isn’t socialist. He’s not saying he’s a free market capitalist. He’s just saying Democrats can’t run on those things.

Which means to say one thing and then when you win, do something else. You know, typical Democrat party campaign rhetoric. Like Merrimack’s ‘Water warriors.’ We’ll fight for clean water, they said. After they got elected we got an income tax, taxes on your employer, higher fees, stripping us of natural rights, drivers licenses for illegal aliens, vote fraud made easier, to name but a few. They’re liars.

And while you don’t have to like Trump’s style or his tactics he’s doing everything he can uphill, against the wind, mired by the swamp, to keep every campaign promise he ran on. Things that have, so far, been great for American workers, families, and the economy.

Here is Hickenlooper getting booed.

| Legal Insurrection
