Obama Middle Finger

US Diplomat – Obama Administration Ran Point on Effort to Remove Ukrainian Prosecutor

Thanks to the Left’s bumbling, we learn more about Ukraine and Bad Boyz Obama and Biden every day. The latest morsel from the Burisma Buffet of Shame comes courtesy of George Kent. He works for the US State Department and is an expert on Ukraine.

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What Does it Mean if the Steele Dossier Was Written by the Russians?

Christopher Steele may be getting too much credit for the debunked Dossier that bears his name. While he was clearly the individual, who collected the bits and pieces for which he was paid by the Clinton Campaign (through Fusion GPS) what if he is just the handler for Russian counter-intelligence?

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James Clapper – Obama Was Behind it All

This is quick and you may have already heard, but James Clapper, Obama’s Director of Intelligence, basically pinned the entire Collusion hoax on Obama.

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John McCain Colluded With the Media and Democrats to Smear President-Elect Trump

As another battle rages over the President’s public remarks about Sen. John McCain, the Epoch Times has a devastating Report. The Steele Dossier has long been known to be opposition research paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC. How the discredited hit piece spread so far and wide is no longer a matter of speculation.

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