School District Governance of NH – “Preparing for the Future of Schooling”

by Skip

Preparing for the Future of Schooling

In this seminar, we will discuss the future of schools – what school board members need to know about the changes (technological, demographic, economic, and political) that they will be facing, and ways to view potential problems as opportunities.

Join us to hear the visions of our two speakers, to think about the future, and to ask questions and share your visions.

This event is designed to benefit elected school district officials, but the public is also welcome, subject to space availability.

Register here via email.

Frank Edelblut

NH Department of Education

Ian Underwood

Former Director
Ask Dr. Math

Flyer attached – please share with your friends!

Saturday, January 19, 2018
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Nackey Loeb School of Communications
749 East Industrial Park Drive, Manchester, NH

Continental Breakfast will be available.

Open to the public.
Pre-registration requested at
Cash and credit card payment at the door: Members $10, Non-members $15
Space is limited.

SDGA Upcoming Events

February 16 – Achieving Transparency: How the Best Districts do it. Panel includes: Bill Foote (Bedford SB), Tom Murray (former Windham SB), and Rich Girard (Manchester SB)
March 16 – Relationship between Money and Results
April 20 – Nuts and Bolts of Budgets. Speaker: Jorge Mesa-Tejada
May 18 – Annual General Meeting

Save the dates!


The School District Governance Association of New Hampshire (SDGA) is a forum of experienced elected officials committed to their legal role and responsibilities, best practices in good governance and prudent budgeting, model school district policies, and legislation that enhances local control in education and openness in administration. 

SDGA’s mission is to help school board and budget committee members discover their powers. 


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