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SDGANH June 2023 Newsletter

by Skip

Well done! SDGA’s Annual General Meeting is in the History Books. Did you know the SDGA was founded in November 2016?  We are just about seven years old!  Although we don’t have a birthday party in November, we do hold an Annual General Meeting for all our members in May. This year, on May 13th, we … Read more

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SDGANH 2022 Summer Newsletter

by Skip

Summer 2022 Newsletter Giving voters a voice by empowering elected school district officials to reclaim control over budgets and curriculum. Announcing SDGA’s New President:  Eric Pauer Eric Pauer, formerly SDGA Vice President was elected President at the SDGA Annual General Meeting on July 9th. Eric brings a strong background in organizational leadership, and we look forward … Read more

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SDGANH: October 2021 Newsletter

by Skip

Giving voters a voice by empowering elected school district officials to reclaim control over budgets and curriculum. We’ve been exercising our voice.  On September 29, the National School Boards Association sent a letter to President Biden, ” [o]n behalf of our state associations and the more the 90,000 school board members…”  The letter called on the … Read more


SDGANH – December 2020 Newsletter

by Skip

Giving voters a voice by empowering elected school district officials to reclaim control over budgets and curriculum.   — Upcoming SDGA events — How to Make a Right to Know Request The President of Right to Know NH, David Saad, will conduct a webinar for the SDGA on how to make an effective Right to … Read more

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SDGANH: Home Schooling Model Policy

The New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHSBA) recently provided to their member boards a draft of Policy IHBG regarding home education. Granite State Home Educators (GSHE) did an analysis of the NHSBA policy draft and found that their proposed policy has several problematic components.

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An Online Seminar: School Choice for School Boards

by Skip

The School District Governance Association is proud to announce An Online Seminar: School Choice for School Boards The discussion will start with an overviepw of how schools and districts are handling remote learning across New Hampshire. After that, we will focus on your responsibilities and powers as school board members with regard to school choice … Read more

CNHT – The MicroInterviews: Jody Underwood

by Skip

The last MicroInterview from the CNHT Annual Picnic was with Jody Underwood.  She holds a Ph.D and is the current Chair of the School District Governance Association of NH which is dedicated to educating School Board and Budget Committee members as to what their Powers are based on NH’s Statutes (the “RSAs”).  We talk about … Read more


SDGANH Seminar: Relationship between Money and Results

Relationship between Money and Results In this seminar, we will discuss how spending is related to results in schools, including tests, accountability, and how much money gets to the classroom, among other topics. This event is designed to benefit elected school district officials, but the public is also welcome, subject to space availability. Register here via … Read more

SDGANH: Achieving Transparency: How the Best Districts Do It – Parts 9 & 10

by Skip

The School District Governance Association of NH (“SDGANH”) held a seminar this past Saturday on some best practices in how to make your School District more transparent in all of its procedures.  This morning long session was a self-directed panel discussion consisting of Rich Girard from the Manchester School District, Tom Murray formerly of the … Read more

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