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The Feudal Model of State-funded Education

I recently attended Ian Underwood’s presentation titled “Back to Schools” at the Sullivan County GOP Committee meeting, during which he argued coherently and consistently for separating the concerns of what to include in government-funded schools and what to exclude.

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secure the blessings of liberty

Notable Quote – Ian Underwood

by Skip

Yep, Grokster Ian gets a two-fer Day today; this one “Why Liberty?” and gives a perfect answer: Every other organizing principle for society begins by denying this fundamental truth about humans:  You don’t know what’s best for me, and I don’t know what’s best for you.   And so every other organizing principle is doomed to the kind of failure that … Read more

SDGANH: “Preparing for the Future of Schooling” – Ian Underwood (Part 2)

by Skip

In this seminar, presented by the School District Governance Association of NH (“SDGANH”), the topic of  what will schools and education look like in the future was discussed  and what school board members need to know NOW about the changes (technological, demographic, economic, and political) that they will be facing and ways to view potential … Read more

SDGANH: “Preparing for the Future of Schooling” – Ian Underwood (Part 1)

by Skip

In this seminar, presented by the School District Governance Association of NH (“SDGANH”), the topic of  what will schools and education look like in the future was discussed  and what school board members need to know NOW about the changes (technological, demographic, economic, and political) that they will be facing and ways to view potential … Read more

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