Does Hate Really Have No Home in Goffstown?

If you’ve driven through any part of Goffstown or Pinardville, you may have seen the “Hate has no home in Goffstown” signs. At first glance, they seem well-intentioned and a wonderful idea. But upon further investigation, they are actually breeding much hate and division within the community.

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Joe biden

Did Joe Biden Just Have a ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Moment?

One sure-fired way to prove Democrats are all about the hate is when their candidates insult us to try and shore up their polling numbers. Biden’s been losing ground. He needs a little help. Calling Republicans names might just help.

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Stand Up or Get Out

The young, upstart, leftist, future leaders of the Democrat Party are off and running 60 days in! And what are they up to is as expected – hate. You need a target if you want to bully a person or people and the Democrat “in crowd” have chosen Israel and Jews, in general. The dog … Read more

Kuster NOH8

Every Tyranny Works This Way, Ours Will Be No Different

Remember the left’s dopey NOH8 campaign? Celebrities, Progressive thought Leaders, dopey politicians, and sheeple lined up to get their picture taken with the “NOH8” narrative logo? People who ignore, excuse, or justify the violence that would amount to a hate crime when perpetrated on people with whom they disagree. To them, premeditated violence (any violence, actually) is acceptable against people whose … Read more

House Democrats Should Change “Mid-Term Slogan” to ‘We Hate You’

Democrat Party Logo 2015A year ago Congressional Democrats rolled out a tagline for the upcoming midterms. ‘A Better Deal.’ For who? In New Hampshire, if we believe the Democrats around here, that amounts to higher taxes and more regulations. So it’s a better deal for Democrats, lobbyists, and special interests who benefit from higher taxes and bigger government.

Seeing as all those things will come at your expense, it’s never going to be a better deal for you, even if you sign up on one of the victim-class club lists posted by the gate, outside the walled pavilion where the progressive slogan-writers and liberal luminaries do the people’s work.

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Has the Professional Left Silenced You? They Will if You Dare to Disagree

Conservatives vs ProgressivesDemocrats don’t know what they don’t know and they only have themselves to blame.

Why are so many Democrats shocked when a Republican is elected president? Because, as they themselves say, they “don’t know anyone” who voted for the Republican. The primary reason for this is the people in their life who voted for Donald Trump — professional colleagues, and even friends and relatives — are afraid to tell them.

Sadly, this treatment works in a much broader sense to advance liberal narratives and often promote progressive policies, especially at the local level “where get out the vote” means find ways to keep your opposition at home, so they win by default.

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