
Draft Dodging Cowards

D. Allan Kerr takes to the pages of the Seacoast Online to call President Trump a, “Draft Dodging Coward.” This is rather timely in the wake of the Mueller Investigation concluding last week. It is admirable how tenacious these left wing scumbags can be when a particular event does not go their way.

Kerr, in his rant barely glosses over Bill Clinton, but the fact is the list of draft-dodgers, now serving in Congress is considerable.

Take Dick Durbin, for example. There is literally no mention anywhere of his student deferments. Almost none. Durbin never served in the armed forces and is first in line to call those who have, Nazi’s.

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Manchester Is For The Bourgeoisie

“The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history.” —Buenaventura Durruti

BourgeoisieYou cannot make this stuff up! Do you know Him? is a ministry that feeds the homeless in downtown Manchester at Veterans Park. This ministry serves free hot breakfasts to homeless at Veteran’s Park Each Weekend. This is not a government program. This is the work set forth by people of faith as the gospels instruct.

In December as the weather grew cold,  DYKH moved into the Salavation Army

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