Get “Used” To This…

mammography - Now you need it Now you don'tPoliticians run around like chicken little screaming “the sky is falling.”  They do this until they get what they want.  In this instance, government run healthcare was going to save people’s lives.  It was going to mandate free stuff, like say, mammograms.   Free mammograms.   Mammograms save lives.  At least they did before the government handed off the responsibility for managing the cost of them to an unelected board of bureaucrats.

Now, that thing the government said you needed every year or two after the age of forty…you don’t need that anymore, and guess what–you can’t have one.

From the “Secretary shall determine file,” board of “experts” at HHS, none of them oncologists, has decided that all that business about mammograms saving women’s lives…that was just stupid.

Making sure Planned Parenthood had public money it didn’t need for (in most cases) screenings it didn’t even do…they still need your money, but those screenings can wait.

All the rhetoric and intimidation from the left and the media directed at anyone who dared to suggest that any government take over of insurance or health care would result in forced rationing of services….this isn’t rationing…it’s….um….good policy.

Mammograms once critical for women after the age of forty, essential to life saving early detection….should now be delayed until the age of fifty (please), probably later, depending on how much it will cost, and whether it would be cheaper to just give you the pain pill and let you die quietly in the corner.  And this will (at some point) be enforced by the police state because ObamaCare will give them that power.

The Democrats do not want you to make your own arrangements with insurance providers.  They are unwilling to allow insurers to leave out coverage and costs you don’t want or need.  Democrats do not want competition between providers who could then seek their own independent cost efficiencies in the plans or through providers.

Democrats promised you that the government would make sure you have free mammograms, you just can’t have one.  At this point, it is just a please don’t bother.  We’d rather you wait, just ignore all the research, comments, and our own rhetoric about needing them.  But if and when HHS get’s full throated power over these decisions, you simply wont be allowed to get one.

Get used to it.  This is how centrally planned health care works.  Just grab some free condoms instead.  Condoms are, after all, crutial to a woman’s health.


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