Get “Used” To This…

mammography - Now you need it Now you don'tPoliticians run around like chicken little screaming “the sky is falling.”  They do this until they get what they want.  In this instance, government run healthcare was going to save people’s lives.  It was going to mandate free stuff, like say, mammograms.   Free mammograms.   Mammograms save lives.  At least they did before the government handed off the responsibility for managing the cost of them to an unelected board of bureaucrats.

Now, that thing the government said you needed every year or two after the age of forty…you don’t need that anymore, and guess what–you can’t have one.

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Sebelius Admits to Obamacare Double tap

Double TapFans of the movie Zombieland might understand the post title right away.  In the movie the lead protagonist, "Columbus" has a set of rules he always follows which he believes are the only reason he is still alive after the world is turned into Zombieland by a mutant strain of Mad Cow disease that turns almost everyone into crazed, flesh eating zombies.

Rule #1 is cardio.   You need to be able to run away from Zombies.

Rule # 31 is Check the back seat.  Always look to see if there is a Zombie in the back of the car before you drive away in it.

Rule # 3, beware of bathrooms.  Zombies seem to be able to sense when you are at your weakest.

Rule #18 Limber up.  Wouldn’t want to come up lame.

And Rule #2?  Double Tap.  It is not a waste of ammo to put another round into the head of a zombie to make sure they are down for the count.

So who stumbles into my metaphor but Obama Zombie and Health and Inhuman Services Minister Kathleen Sebelius.  Note to the left–no, I am not suggesting we double tap her, I am suggesting she and the democrats of the 111th congress–and all your lying or deluded selves included– have double-tapped the Taxpayers.  Sebelius has just admitted to a congressional committee that a huge chunk of money they claimed was going to offset the costs of Obamacare is the legislative-accounting equivalent of a double tap.

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