I support and endorse Jerry Thibodeau for Executive Council. I speak as me alone and not as the voice of Granite Grok.I personally know Jerry and count him as a close personal friend.
Jerry is a native to the Granite State. He has raised a family, built a successful business and served the Manchester community on many levels. I, in particular, worked closely with Jerry during his tenure as chairman of the Manchester GOP City committee. Additionally, I knew Jerry as a board member for the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation, an organization very dear to me. Jerry served there with distinction as well. Jerry is now running for the Executive Council. He is would make a great Councilor.
Few people truly understand what the role is of the Executive council. The Executive Council with the Governor, handle the administrative affairs of the State, pursuant to Part First, Article 60 of our state constitution.
Each Council district represents one fifth of the state population and Councilors are elected every two years, concurrently with the Governor. The Governor and Executive Council key responsibilities include:
- Execution of all executive branch business transparency…open to the public and with the media present.
- Governor and Councilors review and approve (or reject) both receipt and expenditures of state and federal funds, inter-department budgetary transfers, all contracts valued at $10,000 or more, and with exception that, personal service contracts of $2,500.
- The Council approves the spending of legislative appropriations annually.
- The Governor and Executive Council approves (or blocks) Judicial appointments, Commissioners, Notary Public, Justice of Peace, Commissioners of Deeds and hears Pardon Requests.
- Executive Councilors provide oversight and accountability that hacks appointed to the executive branch of state government, are serving the citizens and not special interests.
The current Councilor endorses the party opposition even when that means the endorsed candidate will likely work against constituents and coddle special interests.
Then there is Planned Parenthood, an organization that does not disclose its financial records, yet receives millions of dollars of taxpayer monies. Ray Burton was the affirmative vote to release their funding, while other councilors voted to block it. No matter anyhow, Obama, through Jeanne Shaheen, made an end run around the council and ponied up the funds. the time has come to rid District 1 with the councilor who has long been more an advocate of feathering his own nest.
The time is now for the Dinosaur Ray Burton to go. It has long been that time. But the lingering question is where to get a serious, thoughtful person to assume the role of the executive councilor? Jerry Thibodeau is that person. The voters in district 1 will be far better served with Jerry than with Ray. Jerry is a friend…no doubt. But I endorse Jerry more because he is capable and truly understands what it means to be a taxpayer, a business owner and a parent in the Granite State.