Carmen Sandiego - YouTube Image

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego – the Joe Kenney Edition?

“Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego” was a game that the Eldest and Youngest played when they were younger. The idea was to find a villain by that name who could be anywhere in the world.

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Jerry Thibodeau – interview from our endorsed Candidate for NH Executive Council, District 1

Normally WE are the ones that are doing the interviews – partly because we like to yak, partly because we like to yak with interesting people, and partly because, well, we like to yak.  And in interviews, we love to listen to what the interesting folks have to say.  Sadly, though, with real jobs and even more real lives with stuff that can be put off for only so long, time gets short.  Thus, getting all the interviews we’d like to doesn’t always work out as we’d like.

So, in this case, Jerry was on a public access show, New Hampshire Issues with Peter Martin, and has graciously sent this one over.  It goes, in total, just under an hour so I’ve chopped it up.  Part 1 here and the rest after the jump.

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GrokTV: Conservative Republican Candidate Home Event – Jerry Thibodeau

Continuing on with Conservative Candidates in Belknap County (NH) that were asked to speak at Barbara Aichinger’s home on Lake Winnipesaukee was Jerry Thibodeau.  He is running to oust that ossified dinosaur Ray Burton (an elected Republican official who has no problem in endorsing a Democrat where other Republicans were running).  Here, he addresses those assembled:

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Jerry Thibodeau for Executive Councilor, District 1

I  support and endorse Jerry Thibodeau for Executive Council. I speak as me alone and not as the voice of Granite Grok.I personally know Jerry and count him as a close personal friend.

Jerry is a native to the Granite State. He has raised a family, built a successful business and served the Manchester community on many levels. I, in particular,  worked closely with Jerry during his tenure as  chairman of the Manchester GOP City committee. Additionally, I knew Jerry as a board member for the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation, an organization very dear to me. Jerry served there with distinction as well. Jerry is now running for the Executive Council.  He is would make a great Councilor.

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