GrokTV Event: Belknap County Republican Committee “Contested Primaries” – US Congress

by Skip

This past Wednesday nite was the monthly Belknap County Republican Committee (“BCRC”) meeting.  I’ve missed the last few but only because there has been so many different meetings in so many places on Wednesday nites lately, I’ve gone to some of those “one time only’s” vs something that is there like a clock.  This month, however, was different than most.  Instead of the standard monthly mantra of one or two “special” speakers,   it was devoted to giving those candidates that are in contested primary races (i.e., a higher number of Republicans running for a lesser  number of available seats) here in Belknap County.  Each race had all of the Candidates come up and talk, and answer questions from the audience if there were some.  Here is Rick Parent, running to be the US Congressman from NH First Congressional District (his competitors were no shows):

Sidenote: Unfortunately, in what I felt was an overblown adherence to the so-called 11th Commandment (which generally is invoked to protect the guilty by those that can’t stand waves), MY questions were crumpled up and thrown away for being ‘too divisive in a public forum” by the BCRC Chair, Alan Glassman; I will be post them on the appropriate videos so that you may judge…oh heck, here they are:

Submitted Questions that were crumpled up and not asked of the candidates in contested primaries by the BCRC Chair; ONLY that which is in bold actually constituted the question.  These were not asked as a member of the New Media.  Rather, they were submitted because I am a Member of the NH GOP State Committee:

To Ray Burton and Jerry Thibodeau (Executive Council, District 1):

Does it hurt the Republican “brand”, in your opinion, when an elected Republican official publicly endorses a Democrat in a race where there are Republicans running?

As in Ray Burton endorsing a Democrat up North?  Like Dick Green (in running for NH State Senate now, who was a member of “Republicans for Lynch)”?

To Peter Bolster and Jane Cormier (NH House in Belknap 8 – Alton, Barnstead, & Gilmanton):

Does it hurt the Republican “brand”, in your opinion, when there are elected Democrat officials voting more in line with the Republican Platform than elected Republican officials?

Like Alida Milham, formerly a NH House Rep and Belknap County Delegation Chair?

(cross-posted over at the Belknap County Republican Committee website)

Here was the intro to the meeting:


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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