Dispatch from Future of Journalism Summit / NetRoots Nation foray – Van Jones Book Signing Part 1

by Skip

Heh! My role for this merry group of political adventurists was to be “the secondary tracker” (yeah, a meta-meta moment) for our group.  Dana Loesch of Brietbart is an outgoing spitfire as a blogger and a talk radio host and Jim Hoft of GatewayPundit are nationally known bloggers (and Jim being a big 6’4″ blonde dude just plain sticks out large) – the Left knows who they are and they are immediately tracked at any kind of Left meeting.  My role as to provide that backup camera in case something was “needed”.  Why not?  In the large scale of thing, other than wearing my “blogging” vest, I was perfect for the role: just a middle aged, middle paunched, white, Evangelical, nebbish – no one there would care who the heck I was. (heh!  Imagine that – GraniteGrok had as many people at NetRoots as  BlueHampshire (SusanTheBruce was there)??)

Anyways, nothing was happening – several people stopped to chat with Dana and Jim, and I figured out who else was tracking them as well (frankly, the opposition can be as mindful of “events” as we are).  But nothing to report.  Except this one highlight – as I was standing a few yards from the group when I saw a tallish athletic black guy in a well tailored suit quickly stride across the exhibition hall to what turned out to be a book signing gig.  And the guy turned out to be Van Jones (special advisor to President Barack Obama for Green Energy and jobs) hawking his new book: “Rebuild the Dream“.  Who could resist serendipity?

So, we bought the book(s) and joined into the signing line.  Here, Dana and Jim get their books signed:


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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