Last weekend, I did a couple of forays from the Marriott Downtown where our event was being held over to the RI Convention Center where the NetRoots Nation event was being held. Well, in registering, I got a “SWAG bag” – a canvas tote that was chock-a-block with Progressive “stuff”. Well, earlier today, I desperately needed a pen to take a couple of notes with and I remembered that the bag had just the thing I needed.
Problem was, it acted like the title – and the folks that “supplied” it (heh!)!
OK, OK, I know – from the postings thus far, it may seem that I went down for one event but spent my time over at the other: NetRoots Nation. Non, mon freres! Frankly, given the drubbing that the Democrats, theLeft, the Unions, and the rest of the associated fellow travelers, that yearly collection of collectivists was a dim bulb affair. Not so much that I am CALLING them dim bulbs (heh!) but that the overall “vibe” of the place (Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence, RI) was not exactly joyous and effervescent. Sure, smiles could be seen (like when friends see friends after a space of time). But dismal is a good word. Downer is a better word.
Denial, in what happened and WHY, is probably the best descriptor of the overall mood (where as, Delight could be used for the attendees of the Franklin Center / Heritage Foundation event – but more on that actual set of activities later).
Back to adjectives: Dense. Yeah, outside the RI Convention Center, across the street, was the most dejected bunch of dingleberries I’d seen in a long time; how the Occupy Wall Street movement has fallen. Frankly, there is little difference from these folks and the typical Skid Row inhabitants. And in their rally, it showed.
We had just finished with another activity (heh! In a later post!) when all of a sudden, we heard a lot of yelling, so the group of us quickly went to the front atrium. Problem: by the time that we arrived, security had already removed them. However, one of Jim Hoft’s (The Gateway Pundit) folks caught the “mic check” session of the OWS folks pleading with the rest of the NetRoots to come and join them in a march (“hey, we’re the 99% – and so are you! You are us, and us is you” supplication):
Well, by that time, I got there, spun up the camera, and taped for a while (after the jump). Two observations:
OWS has turned out to be nothing than the “storm troopers of the moment” for the Left. Like Cindy Sheehan who protested President Bush, especially at his ranch in Texas), once their purpose was done, so was the Left with them. Sadly, it seems like the OWS folks haven’t figured out that they’ve become mostly tools that have been left by the side of the sidewalk as the only folks that heeded the call of OWS Providence were folks like me with a camera. I should have gone and spent my time elsewhere.
The last scene’s commentary seems appropriate for the entire movement.
Heh! My role for this merry group of political adventurists was to be “the secondary tracker” (yeah, a meta-meta moment) for our group. Dana Loesch of Brietbart is an outgoing spitfire as a blogger and a talk radio host and Jim Hoft of GatewayPundit are nationally known bloggers (and Jim being a big 6’4″ blonde … Read more
Well, of COURSE I bought the book as well. Why not? Now, some might say “Hey, you’re funding the enemy!” Yeah, a few shekels will make it into Van Jones’s wallet. But I also read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals for TWO specific reasons:
Sun-Tze: know your enemy
I almost got Alinsky’d before I knew what it was (Hey, Zandra Rice-Hawkins -> #FAIL)
I have no intention of allowing myself to get “Jones’d” in the future; as my high school Principal said over and over and over (again) over the loudspeaker for the morning greeting: forewarned is forearmed (and in politics, that last word has multiple definitions). He’s a major player in this engagement between philosophies – and make NO mistake, we have been in a philosophical war here in the US for quite some time. His is an ideology, shared by much of the White House denizens and President Obam. It is one that is an outlook that is more communism than individualistic, more Marx than Founding Fathers. In fact, I think it could be safe to say, as was discussed a lot at the Future of Journalism Summit dinners, workshops, and informal gatherings, that this struggle we are in IS a Cold Civil War. Just was with the war with Communism (which, being between nation-states, did have a few “hot” proxy wars – more on this later.
In the mean time, here’s video of me getting the book signed:
At the same time that Dana Loesch was asking her question, Samsphere blogger buddy Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) also got in line “within the belly of the beast” to ask his question. Abbreviated, I’m sure, as the panel’s time slot was already overlong. His question: “The high enthusiasm level at the start of the recall … Read more
Heh! Russia Today is not always known for being kind to Conservatives. Yet, the young lady was willing to interview almost anybody walking by so both Dana and Jim decided to do so. Gosh, they sound like they fit right in with the rest of the NetRoots! Audio is not the best (to be very … Read more