“I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.“
– Glenn Reynolds, owner of Instapundit, law professor, columnist, author
Sometimes, the posts just write themselves…
This means that if there is no middle ground, nothing happens. Big issues of significant national concern go unaddressed.
Well, this must be one whale of a Big Deal (civility requires that I not quote VP Biden’s words) – unanimous! Not just the middle but the entire shootin’ match! The Hill:
The Senate on Wednesday quickly approved legislation that would remove the word “lunatic” everywhere it appears in the federal code.
The Senate approved S. 2367 by unanimous consent, giving the House a chance to act if it wishes, although no House member has introduced a similar bill.
…The word “lunatic” appears in the U.S. Code in Title 1, Chapter 1, which covers rules of construction. Chapter 1 holds that when determining the meaning of any law, “the words ‘insane’ and ‘insane person’ and ‘lunatic’ shall include every idiot, lunatic, insane person, and person non compos mentis.”
According to Conrad’s bill, it also appears in laws related to banking that deal with the authority to take receivership of estates.
The Corner concludes:
Still no word on when they’ll get around to a budget. Or entitlement reform. Or tax reform. Or . . .
Or the effect of the Euro collapse. Or the mental midget in North Korea and the REAL theocrats in Iran that wanna play BOOM! with nukes, or actually paying for the debt they’ve created. You know, the REAL big stuff. I guess they are absorbing President Obama’s laser-like focus on jobs, second go round on jobs, third go round on jobs….aw heck, we’re in the best of hands, Judd. “Lunatic” and a retired baseball player – yup, national issues all. Look, why don’t you, as Congressman Emeritus, try to persuade those that remain “Guys, you really gotta up your game and deal with the stuff that only you guys can – pull on your Big Boy pants and get cracking.”
(H/T: The Hill via The Corner)
“working” is only goodness when “working” is on the right stuff and achieving the right results inline with proper governance
(H/T: Granlund)
Afterthought: Congress and “lunatic” – fits well, don’t it?