On their site, they have a page of “FAQs” about why you can’t believe any who is a “climate change denier”, and this page is calling Exxon their personal bogeyman (I notice that no mention of ClimateGate and the MBs of emails and bad data is mentioned – and I just giggled when I read “While the rest of the world is now accepting climate change and moving on the issue,” -> yeah, moving AWAY from it!). The insidious part, for an American organization, was this:
Don’t the deniers have a right to free speech?
There’s a difference between free speech and a campaign to deny the climate science with the goal of undermining international action on climate change. However, there’s also responsibility that goes with freedom of speech – which is based around honesty and transparency. Freedom of speech does not apply to misinformation and propaganda.
As a refresher, The First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Greenpeace has the right to say what it wants, and we are free to ignore it. Remember,
Or, do you remember, HassanSullivanSpeech, where both Maggie Hassan (who is now running to be the “Progressive” Democrat NH Guv) and Kathy Sullivan (ex NH Democrat Party top honcho) collaborated to take that Freedom away? I wrote at the time:
There, the “box in”. This is retaliation – THIS is hate speech against one’s opponent writ into law simply because they disagree with what YOU stand for. This is simply more politicization of what the Founders conceived to be “regular speech”.
Environmentalism and Progressive politics? I ask you: why is one exactly like the other? Easy: Neither Greenpeace or Progressive Democrats believe in true freedom of speech – and if you disagree with their end game, you are to be silenced.
Which pretty much tells me that their means to their ends means more to them than real individual freedom protected by the Constitution. Oh yeah, that’s why they believe it to be a “living document” so they can morph it to what their ends are (as opposed to what those long dead white males really intende).