“Ah, yes, divorce… from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man’s genitals through his wallet.” —Robin Williams
Again, My associate Steve Mac Donald hits another home run with today’s entry. In the wake of the Komen for the Cure Planned Parenthood funding controversy, Steve recaps for us what the die-hard blow-hardettes had to say. Steve writes,
“And we (men) were “reminded” of a few things. Not only does funding “women’s health issues” continue to be successfully propagandized as the latest invented constitutional mandate (men don’t have the same mandate if you forgot), but the femi-nazis and their gargolyle familiars have taken the occasion to remind anyone with a penis that they have no say whatsoever in whether or not a woman should, could, can, or will have an abortion. Men have no say. Fathers have no say. Just go away…”
Steve aptly points out that in the arena of so-called “Reproductive Rights” Men have no voice. Its a, “woman’s right to choose.” And choose they do! If a woman chooses to have an abortion, there is nothing the sperm donor (man) can do to object, protest or otherwise stop said abortion. It is a, “woman’s right to choose.” Conversely, if a callous, care-free wild-oats sowing man knocks up a woman, and insists she get an abortion, it is a “woman’s right to choose” to keep the child, raise it and saddle the care free man with a lion share of the costs to raise and provide for that child. The man has no say.
In all things reproductive, our culture has devolved to where a man has no role in those decisions. Yet, we as a society castigate those men who take up that yoke of non-accountability, calling them deadbeats and losers. It seems the “right to choose” has served to enable and cultivate that ugly aspect of our culture.
And in the Divorce arena, those social conventions have splashed over with disastrous consequences. There is the much-denied convention of “disposable dads.” Where the focus becomes exclusively the inter-marital problems, the social and structural resources are available to simply throw away the dad and go and fetch a new one.
Now that we have had a couple of decades of imbalancing the sexes for some false notion of equity, an extensive body of work showcases those net results.
Divorced Dads: Shattering the Myths, was first published in 1998, by Arizona State University Professor Dr. Sanford Braver and Diane O’Connell. The work presents a compilation of research on divorced fathers Braver’s was the largest federally supported study of divorced fathers in history.
Six major conventional myths fell to Dr Braver’s research as outlined in Social Analyst Roger Gay’s analysis.
- Deadbeat dads: Divorced fathers pay 90 percent of the child support they have been ordered to pay. Fully employed divorced fathers pay all that is due. In addition, they pay visitation expenses. [Depending on the extent of the research providing the result, fathers (all fathers including never married) pay 70-80 percent of what they have been ordered to pay. The low end 70 percent relies on recipient surveys that do not account for money that is paid but withheld as repayment for welfare, and possible bias. In all cases, the primary cause of non-payment is that the person ordered to pay is unable to pay.]
- The No-Show Dad: The rate of contact between fathers and their children following divorce shows “paternal devotion and tenacity [that] is entirely at odds with the more popular image of the runaways, absentee, or disappearing dad.”
- Standards of Living: Women with children are, as a group, better off financially following divorce than men. That’s right, it’s not the other way around.
- Terms of Divorce: Far from being docile, easily manipulated victims of a male dominated divorce system, women have always fared well in negotiations and settlements. Men are far more likely to be the biggest losers in the process.
- Emotional Issues of Divorce: Women are happier after divorce than men. Given the results related to the other myths, this is likely to cause the least surprise. They have the children, they are better off financially, they drive better cars, their situation is less likely to interfere with new relationships and remarriage ….
- Who leaves the marriage … and why it matters: ” … women initiate the preponderance (63 – 75%) of modern divorces …” It matters because it vindicates the finding that men do less well then women after divorce, because the blame heaped on men for divorce should be addressed, and because the myth serves to further unlevel the playing field of domestic relations law and politics on which fathers are already disadvantaged.
Steve Mac Donald closes with,
The same women who demand responsibility when the mother “chooses” life, are the ones who have created the culture before hand in which the fathers have no responsibility and no voice whatsoever. And this has been going on for decades. Do I now have to explain why you reap what you sow?
You feminazi’s should have been more mindful of what you asked of this society. A society that toiled, struggled and labored to give you the equality you sought…(and fully on your terms, I might add, disregarding the larger societal need ) And now that you have achieved it you all are still sipping the “Haterade” and drinking the Kool-Aid and railing against those clad with phallus. You got what you want, now live with it and stop pestering us.