Weekend Round-Up

Rainy weekends are a good time to catch up but if you missed it, here are a few blog pots that you might want to take a look at.

Dems Want Lobbyists in DC

The left has no intention of removing corporate money from politics or political speech because no Democrat can survive without corporate money or its equivalents.  So the left wing narrative for controlling corporate speech has nothing to do with limiting corporate influence in politics it is about keeping the home field advantage.  It is about controlling the speech and controlling the narrative–free has nothing to do with it.


Ed ‘Flash’ Larkin inspired Lottery Game

How about a new scratch game from the New Hampshire lottery.  We can call it "More For Your Dollar." It’s a  ticket with six little pictures of Ed Larkin standing in a parking-lot, shopping carts in the background pushed by unsuspecting mothers and daughters,  trench coat open, with the little silver scratch circle covering his junk.


Left Does not want you to Connect the Dots

Citizens who are willing to arm themselves are not a threat to society or each other.   They are a threat to the unlawful who act as proxies to advance the Democrat agenda.  Lawful gun owners are a threat to the social engineering experiments that shorten sentences, or release criminals early by shrinking the unarmed victim class advocated by the anti-gun left.   Lawful gun owners  are the single biggest threat to an expansive government police state because without spending one taxpayer dime, they reduce crime and the destruction of property upon which the public safety bureaucracy relies for relevance and ever expanding budgets.


 SEA sows dissent in Little NH

As if to prove my point, in today’s Union Leader, we see another example of why workers need the freedom to shun union abuse and how Unions with deep pockets and national connections, try to pressure small towns.  In March the town of Littleton decided it had to cut its budget.  The economy being what it is who can blame them.  The $745,000.00 dollar budget savings resulted in having to fire one police officer.  According to the article, two days later the SEA, New Hampshire’s State Employee ASSociation called for a Boycott of 13 businesses in town that supported the reduction.

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